Competent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Competent
As noun : क्षमताशाली Ex:  Heinlein's female characters of all ages were generally competent
दंडदेवार Ex:  Feeling capable and competent सक्षम Ex:  It is competent party in this case उ:   सक्षम लोगों को दूसरों की सहायता करना चाहिये।
As adjective : कृतागम Ex:  He again proved to be a competent military leader in the Gallic Wars क्षमताशील Ex:  They are competent whether the action is based on federal or state law. छंम Ex:  The work is competent but not remarkable छमी Ex:  The crisis was ended by the more competent rule of Diocletian धर्णास, धर्णासि, धर्णी Ex:  After attempts to find a competent sovereign proved unsuccessful पारगत Ex:  competent Party, one who has standing to challenge in court, to be party to the proceedings प्रतिबल Ex:  It is competent judge समरथ Ex:  It is competent to hear this case समर्थ Ex:  It is not a competent judge of that उ:   संसद ही उसे हटाने में समर्थ है। सामर्थ्यवान Ex:  It means by extension Review with authority or with a special mission of a competent सुयोग्य Ex:  It was declared competent
Other : अर्ह Ex:  He is a competent typist.
Competent ki paribhasha : kisi kaam men lagaaye jaane ke upayukt yathesht hone ka bhaav saarthak vaaky men milaakar rakhe hue shabdon ki snsakti ko
Competent synonyms
proficient capable efficient decent skilled qualified adequate adapted appropriate au fait clever complete crisp endowed enough equal fit fool good on the ball pertinent polished satisfactory savvy sufficient suitable wicked all around being a pistol dynamite fireball know ins and outs know the answers know the ropes know the score no slouch there up to it up to snuff up to speed know one's business know one's stuff paid one's dues
Competent antonyms
incompetent unable unskilled impotent incapable unsuitable insufficient inadequate inefficient inept unqualified
Usage of Competent in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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