Comprise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Comprise
As noun : बने हुए होना Ex:  The Falkland Islands comprise two main islands
As verb :
समाविष्ट करना Ex:  Three lines comprise the U-Bahn and six the S-Bahn system. सम्मिलित करना Ex:  The albatrosses comprise between 13 and 24 species in 4 genera.
Other : के बराबर होना Ex:  Australian parrots comprise a sixth of the world’s parrots के बराबर Ex:  The Armed forces of Brazil comprise the Brazilian Army समाविष्ट होना Ex:  10 of which comprise Greater Skopje.
Comprise synonyms
involve compose span amount to form cover constitute hold contain encompass include incorporate encircle subsume engross embrace embody enclose comprehend add up to sum up take in be composed of be contained in
Comprise antonyms
exclude destroy ruin unloose reject release except lack need neglect abandon let go fail fall short want
Usage of Comprise in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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