Concrete meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Concrete
As noun : कंक्रीट से भरना Ex:  The building is notable for its use of poured concrete
कंक्रीट Ex:  These facilities almost always had concrete floors. उ:   मंदिर तक तीन सौ आठ कंक्रीट सीढ़ियां पहुंचती हैं। रोड़ा Ex:  Romans started to widely use concrete
As adjective : अंशों को एक में जोड कर बनाया हुआ Ex:  the hardening of concrete अंशों को एक में जोड़ कर बनाया हुआ Ex:  Trees,books etc are concrete things. इन्द्रियों से पहचानने योग्य Ex:  he reinforced the concrete जमाया हुआ रोडा Ex:  A few lowrise concrete buildings were erected जमाया हुआ रोड़ा Ex:  Since a design has to be concrete ठौस Ex:  The project used of concrete पदार्थ रूप में Ex:  Before any concrete planning to regain solvency could be undertaken रोडा Ex:  Despite the construction of steel and concrete skyscrapers in the 1910s साकार Ex:  Reinforced concrete was widely used in the rebuilding of the city उ:   इस पुराण में साकार ब्रह्म की उपासना का विधान है। स्वरूपात्मक Ex:  No concrete evidence of exactly what was smoked exists स‌ंघा Ex:  Building with concrete, coated concrete
Other : कंकरीट Ex:  The police couldnt solve the case due to the lack of concrete evidence. उ:   सुनहरे पत्थर से बने पिलर में कंकरीट की सात देव प्रतिमाए। माँस Ex:  Though no concrete agreement was made उ:   इनका ज्यादातर माँस इनकी पूँछ में और सामने दो पंजों में होता है। शरीरी Ex:  Article on history of Roman concrete Concrete made possible the paved शारीरिक. Ex:  Even when using concrete शारीरिक Ex:  Chunks of concrete fell from the city's colonial buildings. उ:   दोनो की शारीरिक बनावट में अन्तर है।
Concrete ki paribhasha : prathvi ke kade star ka pind ya khnd chooana jisamen kisi chij ke choone yogy chhed ya daraj ho ek masaala jo gach pitane ke samay chhat par dala jaata hai jaisa thik hona chaahie, vaisa ek prakaar ki machhali jo dakshin bhaarat aur lnka ke jalaashayon men paayi jaati hai ishvar ka vah roop jo aakaar yukt ho
Concrete synonyms
detailed real solid material specific particular objective accurate corporeal definite explicit precise sensible substantial tangible firm compact indurate set petrified dried monolithic strong unyielding caked solidified consolidated conglomerated poured calcified congealed cemented steeled compressed precast set in stone
Concrete antonyms
unimportant indefinite abstract intangible bending pliable general ideal immaterial flexible loose slack soft
Usage of Concrete in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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