Confirmation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Confirmation
As noun : उपोदबलन Ex:  Any decipherment without external confirmation
दृढ करण Ex:  William Xavier is named after Regis, Xavier being his confirmation name. दृढ़ीकरण संस्कार Ex:  Muhammad and his followers saw in the victory a confirmation of their faith. दृढ़ करण Ex:  There was no independent confirmation of the reported reception निरुढ़ि Ex:  Visual confirmation of venting came in November 2005 निरुढ़ि Ex:  Visual confirmation of venting came in November 2005 पुष्क Ex:  Before adding this new faith, we must wait for confirmation पुष्टि Ex:  Get confirmation letters of उ:   निम्नोक्त श्लोकों से इसकी पुष्टि होती है। पुष्टिकरण Ex:  Receive confirmation पुष्टी करना Ex:  Receive confirmation पुष्टीकरण Ex:  The anointing of baptism, confirmation प्रमाणी करण Ex:  The confirmation of a new मुटाई Ex:  The confirmation of a promise सत्यापन Ex:  This need confirmation, deserves confirmation उ:   सत्यापन इतना सटीक नहीं है। स्थाईकरण Ex:  Where you heard the news? The confirmation of a new स्थिर करण Ex:  For more confirmation
Other : परिपोष Ex:  Act by which the sovereign, the head of the executive power gives a law approval, confirmation makes it enforceable संपुष्टि Ex:  They told me such a thing, I have received confirmation of such a place स्थायीकरण Ex:  Whole confirmation
Confirmation ki paribhasha : vah kaaran ya mukhy hetu jisase gyaan ho snpusht ya samarthan karana badon ka chhoton ko kisi kaam ke liye kahana mngalaa, vijaya aadi aath prakaar ki chaarapaaiyon men se ek saude ke dar ka nirdhaaran ya nishchayan
Confirmation synonyms
corroboration testimony consent admission acceptance authorization passage affirmation endorsement approval evidence green light recognition supporting accord okay testimonial nod assent agreement attestation authentication avowal sanction testament passing substantiation witness go ahead proving verifying verification visa accepting affirming authenticating authorizing corroborating sanctioning stamp of approval validating
Confirmation antonyms
denial disapproval refusal veto rejection annulment cancellation contradiction destruction void disagreement opposition
Usage of Confirmation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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