Contemporary meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Contemporary
As noun : आधुनिक Ex:  Condensed matter physics is by far the largest field of contemporary physics. उ:   आधुनिक भौतिकी का द्रव्यसंरचना से सीधा संबंध है।
इदानींतन Ex:  This is contemporary with Bridei mac Maelchon and Columba समकालीन व्यक्ति Ex:  Although larger than other contemporary rockets समसामयिक Ex:  Kings of the Hill , about contemporary pitchers उ:   इनके समसामयिक व्रजनाथ ने इनके ५०० कवित्त सवैयों का संग्रह किया था।
As adjective : समकालीन Ex:  In contemporary Chinese publications उ:   एकादशरथ अन्य समकालीन शासकों के लिए एक मॉडल था। समानकाल, समानकालीन Ex:  Prominent contemporary Syrian writers include
Other : अभिनव Ex:  the concentrate of contemporary despair उ:   कंपनी अभिनव उत्पादों परिचय कराने के लिए जारी रखा। अभूत Ex:  a wide variety of pre-eminently contemporary scenes आधुनिकतम Ex:  Historians find few traces of any influence by his French contemporary उ:   इसके अतिरिक्त इस विभाग के पास आधुनिकतम दृश्यश्रव्य उपकरण भी हैं। हमउम्र Ex:  Some contemporary scholars हाली Ex:  Colburn was copied from the contemporary Renault.
Contemporary ki paribhasha : jo do ya kai ek hi samay men hon
Contemporary synonyms
new present-day instant current recent now latest abreast au courant extant in vogue newfangled red-hot state-of-the-art topical ultramodern up-to-date with it existent up-to-the-minute today contempo hot off press in fashion just out leading-edge voguish ã  la mode coeval concomitant attendant accompanying coincident concurrent connected linked related simultaneous synchronous coetaneous coexistent contemporaneous synchronic associated coexisting synchronal
Contemporary antonyms
future old-fashioned preceding past succeeding absent
Usage of Contemporary in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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