Convert meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Convert
As noun : अन्य मत का ग्रहण करनेवाला Ex:  To convert a person from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to another
गोल करके (एक प्रयत्न को) पूरा करना Ex:  A distinguished early convert to Malthusianism गोल करके एक प्रयत्न को पूरा करना Ex:  These starter bacteria convert milk sugars into lactic acid. धर्म परिवर्तक Ex:  Hence, there was no need to convert into Hinduism. धर्म बदलना Ex:  He is known for his ability to convert difficult lay-ups धर्मपरिवर्तन करना Ex:  Father Anselm Strittmatter, to convert him to that faith . धर्मपरिवर्तित Ex:  Output devices then convert this information back into physical form. धर्मान्तरित Ex:  Magnet-driven speakers convert signals into audible sound. उ:   धर्मान्तरित होने वालों में अधिकांश थिय्या समुदाय से थे। नवधर्मी Ex:  In the formula, c2 is the conversion factor required to convert from to . परधर्म अवलंबी Ex:  Stars on the main sequence convert hydrogen into helium परिवर्तित करना Ex:  The Spaniards were committed to convert their native subjects to Christianity परिवर्तित या रुपान्तरित कर देना Ex:  Kant's method involves trying to convert our everyday परिवर्तित होना Ex:  To convert between the rectangular and polar forms of a complex number मत बदलने वाला व्यक्ति Ex:  Those who did convert मत या धर्म पलटना Ex:  Looking at the moon, the convert to Copernicanism . मुद्रा विनिमय करना Ex:  Magellan had wished to convert Lapu-Lapu to Christianity राजी करना Ex:  It is impossible to convert a nuclear reactor to cause a true nuclear explosion रुपान्तरण करना Ex:  A converted sinner, like name, A convert रूपांतरण करना Ex:  A new convert वेवटना Ex:  Action Finance convert संपरिवर्तित करना Ex:  I did everything I could to attract him to our party, but I did not manage to convert the
As verb : चैँज Ex:  Saint Dominic attempted to convert them by preaching. तबदुदुल Ex:  At first, he managed to convert some of the bhikkhus धर्म परिवर्तन करना Ex:  They also saw an elite convert to Judaism बदलना Ex:  Lyon was convinced that he could civilise Yagan and convert him to Christianity
Other : नया चेला Ex:  Haqq ad-Din tried to convert Ti`yintay, killing him when this failed. परिवर्तन करना Ex:  The idea is credited to a Persian convert to Islam, Salman.
Convert ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ki sthiti ko ulatana ek vastu lekar badale men doosari vastu dene ka vyavahaar hindi varnamaala ka pachisavaaan vynjan aur pa varg ka antim varn jaisa raha ho usase bhinn ho jaana
Convert synonyms
follower disciple proselyte novitiate novice neophyte catechumen reorganize modify transform turn switch download apply translate remodel transmute interchange make transpose metamorphose appropriate commute transmogrify transfigure alter revise downlink restyle switch over move bring lead save budge persuade incline reform regenerate actuate redeem impel bias convince baptize bend brainwash proselytize sway bring around change of heart alter conviction assimilate to be born again cause to adopt change into create anew lead to believe make over see the light
Convert antonyms
stagnate refuse persist remain wait leave alone keep endure hold idle stay dissuade repress suppress stop
Usage of Convert in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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