Convincing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Convincing
As noun : विश्वासोत्पादक Ex:  This argument is convincing
As verb :
अनपच्युत Ex:  Her coach was pleased by her convincing victory.
Her arguments were convincing.
अविलास Ex:  a convincing story उपात्त Ex:  A convincing ODI series win in Pakistan in early 2006 एतबारी Ex:  Neither are convincing substitutes जीवशोणित Ex:  The only person who needed some convincing was James E. Webb निघ्रुवि Ex:  "If he's any kind of actor, he could be convincing making love to any woman". प्राणवंत Ex:  Fight, kill by convincing reasons that another came on, prove that an opponent has said is ill-founded or not true यथार्थपूर्ण Ex:  Is it not convincing? That's convincing युक्तियुक्त Ex:  Probative Reason demonstrative reason, convincing उ:   साथ ही साथ युक्तियुक्त बातों को बड़े संमानपूर्वक स्वीकार किया है। युक्तिसंगत Ex:  Proof convincing उ:   योरपवासियों की नेत्राकृति से भी यह युक्तिसंगत मालूम होता है। योक्तिक Ex:  Prove of a clear and convincing लब्धप्रत्यय Ex:  Reason convincing and persuasive विश्वसनीय Ex:  Testimony convincing उ:   गैस टर्बाइनें आम तौर पर काफी विश्वसनीय और टिकाउ होती हैं। विश्वासिक Ex:  This a very convincing piece, one can not deny सजीव Ex:  What you say is convincing उ:   युद्धसंबंधी समाचार आप बहुत ही सजीव देते थे। साजीवन स्थिरसंगर
As adjective : निश्चयक Ex:  With little convincing निश्चयात्मक Ex:  The first convincing record of an influenza pandemic was of an outbreak in 1580 उ:   निष्कर्ष यह है कि दर्शन का कोई मन्तव्य निश्चयात्मक नहीं हो पाता। प्रतीतिजनक Ex:  After convincing Helena not to tell their parents of her speech प्रत्ययकारी Ex:  After the Celtics' convincing victory प्रत्यापक Ex:  A convincing testimony विश्वासप्रद Ex:  The reason this evidence, this experience is convincing विश्वासोत्पाद्क Ex:  This is a notorious and convincing evidence व्ययसायात्मक Ex:  What proves that is convincing सम्प्रत्यायक Ex:  Raisonnement which proves the truth of its conclusion by deduction and a clear and convincing manner
Convincing synonyms
credible trustworthy satisfactory satisfying impressive solid reliable powerful plausible cogent probable reasonable telling authentic conclusive sound moving acceptable dependable faithful hopeful incontrovertible likely possible presumable rational trusty valid swaying believeable
Convincing antonyms
implausible improbable unbelievable unlikely undependable unreliable untrustworthy ineffective insignificant unimportant impotent unconvincing weak unreasonable doubtful dubious incredible unpersuasive
Usage of Convincing in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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