Coolly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coolly
As adverb : उदासीन भाव से Ex:  She coolly listened to my suggestions.
उदासीनतापूर्वक शान्ति से सोत्प्रेक्ष
Coolly synonyms
regularly handily smoothly freely well quickly comfortably simply surely readily competently evenly hand over fist hands down lightly nothing to it piece of cake plainly steadily swimmingly effortlessly conveniently efficiently dexterously facilely fluently just like that like nothing no sweat uncomplicatedly with ease with no effort without a hitch without trouble peacefully sedately serenely collectedly composedly motionlessly tranquilly unexcitedly unhurriedly carelessly offhandedly informally lackadaisically reservedly unconcernedly unemotionally nonchalantly reasonably cheaply moderately sensibly knowingly slyly smartly carefully deliberately cleverly intelligently keenly artfully judiciously deftly skillfully adroitly sagaciously cunningly deceptively foxily guilefully perspicaciously trickily solemnly quietly temperately unimpassionedly unpretentiously
Coolly antonyms
difficultly insufficiently questionably doubtedly dubitably boldly boastfully immodestly pretentiously excitedly cheerfully drunkenly hilariously intoxicatedly
Usage of Coolly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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