Cosmopolitan meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cosmopolitan
As noun : सर्वतोगामी Ex:  cosmopolitan Esprit
सर्वव्यापी उ:   इसलिये दाँतों के रोग का महत्व सर्वव्यापी है।
As adjective : जो देश या जाति के पक्षापात से रहित हो Ex:  Mumbai is a cosmopolitan city. विश्व स्थायी Ex:  He has a cosmopolitan attitude. विश्वप्रेमी Ex:  In the 1960s, Kabul developed a cosmopolitan mood. विश्ववर्गीय Ex:  Vilnius is a cosmopolitan city with diverse architecture. विश्ववादी Ex:  It was a cosmopolitan and culturally important state. विश्‍वगरिक Ex:  Toronto's population is cosmopolitan and international विश्‍वजनीन Ex:  The major population centres at Halifax and Sydney are the most cosmopolitan संसार भर को अपना देश मानने वाला Ex:  Nairobi is a cosmopolitan and multicultural city. समस्त संसार का Ex:  Due to its cosmopolitan history सर्वत्र वासी Ex:  cosmopolitan Habits सर्वदेशीय Ex:  Willingness to be cosmopolitan or state of mind of one who has cosmopolitan ideas स्थानीय पक्षापात रहित
Other : विश्वबंधु Ex:  It is a cosmopolitan city विश्वव्यापी Ex:  The series takes place in a dark, crowded, industrial and cosmopolitan setting. उ:   यह वैज्ञानिक और शैक्षिक प्रलेखों में विश्वव्यापी प्रयुक्त होती है। सर्वभौम Ex:  It is also adjective of both genders, and in this job, it also applies to things cosmopolitan area
Cosmopolitan ki paribhasha : pratyek sthitiyon evn avasthaaon men honevaala sabhi deshon men honevaala ya praapy samagr prathvi ka shaasan karanevaala
Cosmopolitan synonyms
urbane cultured metropolitan sophisticated catholic universal smooth public ecumenical global gregarious planetary polished worldwide cultivated well-travelled
Cosmopolitan antonyms
unsophisticated specific country rural unrefined particular rustic
Usage of Cosmopolitan in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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