Crookedly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Crookedly
As adverb : कुटिलता से
तिरछेपन से तिर्छेपन से
Crookedly synonyms
off-center awry askance bent cockeyed curved knotted lopsided oblique obliquely slanted slanting twisted zigzag askant aslant buckled catawampus to one side topsy-turvey turned yaw ways treacherously unscrupulously maliciously basely dishonestly dishonorably disloyally faithlessly falseheartedly malevolently perfidiously roguishly traitorously underhandedly unfaithfully behind one's back slyly wrongly mendaciously deceivingly deceptively untruly
Crookedly antonyms
truthfully honestly
Usage of Crookedly in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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