Crudeness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Crudeness
As noun : अकखड़पन Ex:  the whole town was famous for its crudeness
अपिष्कृतता Ex:  The disheavelled hair of Kity showed crudeness to her colleagues असभ्यता उजड़्ड़पन बेहुदगी हूदापन
Other : कच्चापन स्थूल उ:   ऊँचे ताप पर यह धातु स्थूल रूप में प्राप्त होती है।
Crudeness synonyms
ineptitude coarseness greenness inability incompetence inexpertness ineptness ungainliness gawkiness unskillfulness tactlessness amateurishness maladroitness boorishness uncouthness gracelessness cloddishness oafishness uncoordination inhumanity brutality cruelty viciousness savageness ruthlessness disregard bewilderment incapacity darkness rawness fog simplicity innocence vagueness blindness oblivion dumbness naivetã© benightedness insensitivity philistinism unenlightenment sciolism incomprehension callowness shallowness denseness obtuseness empty-headedness half-knowledge inscience lack of education mental incapacity unscholarliness miscue lapse recklessness error gaffe misjudgment goof unseemliness folly imprudence foolishness thoughtlessness hastiness stupidity slip stumble rashness bumble faux pas slip of the tongue gaucherie indiscreetness excitability foul-up ingenuousness slip-up dropping the ball dumb move fool mistake misspeak screw-up simple-mindedness clumsiness inelegance harshness severity hardness roughhouse gruffness brusqueness disrespect nerve misbehavior sharpness ungraciousness asperity irritability acrimony discourtesy grossness impudence boldness impertinence incivility brass effrontery disdain cheek audacity insolence bad manners bluntness intrusiveness crudity unkindness officiousness shamelessness unmannerliness profanity obscenity indecency commonness dowdiness unrefinement
Crudeness antonyms
sophistication artfulness dexterity elegance skill easiness cleverness politeness grace handiness convenience ease straightforwardness kindness niceness cognizance competence education knowledge literacy talent wisdom understanding cultivation experience intelligence thoughtfulness discretion correction judgment seriousness care discreetness right coordination evenness regularity gentility smoothness courtesy fear modesty shyness manners humility meekness good manners timidity carefulness caution respect decency decorum tastefulness restraint
Usage of Crudeness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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