Cryptic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cryptic
As adjective : अंतद् धनि Ex:  Anand could solve a cryptic puzzle
अंतधनि Ex:  The new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms
Mysterious symbols
अंतर्दधान Ex:  Some animals have cryptic adaptations to avoid their own predators अदेख Ex:  Instead they were taught laws of behavior and morality in the form of cryptic अनखुला Ex:  "in an ideal direction" , is cryptic and has caused much confusion. अनरहस Ex:  cryptic Words आंतर Ex:  He said in terms cryptic खफी Ex:  A cryptic language गुझी गुप्त उ:   माना जाता है कि यह मंदिर गुप्त काल के समय का है। गुहय गूता गूप गैबाना गोपि चोरगढ़ा निभृत निहाँ पिनहाँ मदफून मोरिका रहस्यमय उ:   इसका एक रहस्यमय अभिप्राय है। रुपोश लोकपरोक्ष विंनय संछन्न सन्निभृत सीक्रेट
Cryptic ki paribhasha : anek gaaanvon ka svaami ya adhyaksh padavi jisaka vyavahaar vaishy apane naam ke saath karate hain
Cryptic synonyms
enigmatic ambiguous veiled equivocal strange arcane mysterious incomprehensible vague abstruse apocryphal cabalistic dark esoteric evasive hidden inexplicable murky mystic mystical occult opaque oracular perplexing puzzling recondite secretive tenebrous unclear unfathomable mystifying delphian delphic uninformative
Cryptic antonyms
known obvious clear plain definite certain sure common normal seen straightforward
Usage of Cryptic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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