Curds meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Curds
As noun : गोरस Ex:  Depending on the amount of water that is extracted from the tofu curds
दहिउ दही उ:   दूध, दही और मक्खन की कमी नहीं थी। प्राग्राट श्रीघन
Other : अर्ध Ex:  Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey उ:   यह जीवित और अर्ध पारगम्य झिल्ली है। अर्धीकरण Ex:  The tofu curds are allowed to cool and become firm. चरणामृत Ex:  Fresh curds are stretched and kneaded in hot water to form a ball of Mozzarella चरणोदक Ex:  This is done while the cheese is still in the form of loosely pressed curds छेना Ex:  Cheese curds are an extremely popular treat
Curds ki paribhasha : vah doodh jo khataayi pad jaane ke kaaran jamakar jamakar thakke ke roop men ho gaya ho
Curds synonyms
clump set battery cluster array thickness bunch group gob precipitate body glob consolidation bundle bulk occlusion batch clotting embolism grume conglutination curdling coagulum embolus thrombus coalescence thicken acerbate condense turn spoil ferment congeal coagulate go off acidulate acidify clabber turn sour paste pap mush mash sponge jam dough marrow poultice triturate pomace sarcocarp semisolid soft part
Curds antonyms
individual one opening
Usage of Curds in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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