Cursory meaning in hindi - Cursory का मतलब हिंदी में

Cursory meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cursory
As noun : सरसरी
As adjective :
अनिपुण Ex:  Give a cursory look into the matter लापराही से किया गया Ex:  I have not done in a very cursory examination शीघ्रता या असावधानी से किया हुआ सरसरी से किया हुआ
Cursory ki paribhasha : sushrut ke anusaar sharir ke ek sau saat marm sthaanon men se eka, jo aangoothe aur doosari uangali ke bich men hai
Examples Words that rhyme with cursory
Cursory synonyms
superficial offhand random perfunctory sketchy desultory brief careless fast half-baked haphazard hit or miss hurried passing quick rapid shallow short slapdash slight sloppy speedy summary swift uncritical depthless half-assed
Cursory antonyms
careful detailed meticulous painstaking thorough unhurried complete perfect
Usage of Cursory in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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