Damp meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Damp
As noun : अवोद Ex:  Please damp the woodstove down .
आक्लेद Ex:  Milan's winters are typically damp and cold आद्र Ex:  Persistently damp and hot conditions also harm yields उ:   उस स्थिति को आद्र डूबना कहते हैं। उत्वलेदन Ex:  It slowly turns to mirabilite in damp air. उपकिलन्न Ex:  A large area of damp ground and muddy, as are the swamps ओल्ल Ex:  Botanical Kind of perennials, with cutting leaves, which grow in damp places कम करना Ex:  Botanical monocot plant, whose various species grow in damp places गीला Ex:  During the thaw, the walls are damp उ:   गीला क्षेत्र असंगत रूप से पूरे महाद्वीप में फैला हुआ है। जलसिक्त Ex:  He still called Small damp patches on paper डबकौहाँ Ex:  It is sometimes said, by extension and colloquially, a Muscle pain caused by damp cold तोयरस Ex:  Plante made, which grows in damp places and whose leaf is yellow नमी Ex:  The winter was very damp उ:   वायु की नमी से बड़ा लाभ होता है। प्रोदक Ex:  , a rotten time, A damp and unhealthy time भोइ Ex:  de Botanical bulbous plant that grows in damp meadows and is cultivated in gardens रसभीना रसमसा श्रृद्ध संक्लिन्न संक्लेद समुंदन समुन्न सीलन उ:   ये कॉन्क्रीट १९२० में जल-रिसाव और सीलन से बचाने के लिये लगायी गई थी। स्तिमित स्तेम
As verb : नम करना Ex:  SEC is also used as a noun to refer to what is dry, which is not damp
As adjective : अवमंदन करना Ex:  Please damp down the clothes first . उत्साह हीनता Ex:  These bodies of water make cloudy and damp days common नम या गीला Ex:  The earth is still damp परिमन्दन करना Ex:  Tree that grows in damp places म्लीनता सीलनभरा
Other : आर्द्र Ex:  The climate is very damp and windy, the winters are harsh and long. उ:   आर्द्र एक हिन्दी भाषा का विशेषण है। उदास करना Ex:  The winters are mild and windy while the summers are damp and cool. गलगला Ex:  Botany Plant with pink or white flowers, which usually grows in damp places and employed to ornament gardens गीला करना Ex:  Dry Earth, damp तर Ex:  It says, for denigration, a place whose situation is damp and unhealthy उ:   इसका उपयोग मुस्लमान ज्यादा तर करते हैं। नम Ex:  The walls of this chamber are damp उ:   यह दुनिया में सबसे नम स्थानों में से एक है। सीला सोल उ:   वो अपने मोकासीनो जूतों की सोल को काले रंगों में रंगते थे। हतोत्साह करना
Damp ki paribhasha : joote men lagaane ka chamade ka talla ek pratyay jo gunavaachak shabdon men lagakar doosare ki apeksha aadhiky gun men soochit karata hai anaaj ke ve daane jo phasal katane par khet men pade rah jaate hain jinhen tapasvi ya garib log chunate hain
Damp synonyms
muggy soggy misty soaked cloudy sticky moist dank steamy waterlogged saturated sodden sopping clammy steam bath vaporous drippy oozy drizzly dripping soaking drenched dewy irriguous wettish
Damp antonyms
dried parched dry arid dessicated
Usage of Damp in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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