Dance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dance
As noun : अंगाहार Ex:  they liked to dance the twist
अपस्खल Ex:  she ran a dance studio उच्छटना Ex:  Lets all dance the minuet. उछट्टना Ex:  Nowadays there is latest teenage dance craze among children. उछलना Ex:  The dance drama was presented theatrically. उछ्छरना Ex:  Her daughter has won the dance contest. उत्कूर्दन Ex:  She was given a complimentary remark for her dance performance. उत्प्लवन Ex:  The dance around the maypole was very charming. उत्फाल Ex:  Rajasthani country dance is famous for its ethnicity . उल्लंफन Ex:  He is learning dance in the opera-house nearby. ऊपर नीचे हिलना Ex:  He was watching her dance with a rapt expression. ऊपर नीचे होना Ex:  He asked her to the dance . ऊलालना Ex:  Mary dug a date up for the dance next Friday . कुदाना Ex:  I'm sorry, I can't dance better . कूदना Ex:  Singers who can dance are a hot ticket right now . टुक़डे टुक़डे कर देना Ex:  There are also dance and ballet groups known as Dance National Afrique तरक्कना Ex:  Music and dance are also very popular धेधक धीना Ex:  The Dancehouse is dedicated to dance productions. नचन Ex:  The Milonga dance was a predecessor, slowly evolving into modern tango. नचवाई Ex:  There is also a renowned dance group नचवाना Ex:  Dance was often referred to as a plastic art during the Modern dance era. नचाना Ex:  When a bird first returns to the colony it will dance with many partners नच्चना Ex:  The dominant classical dance amongst Tamils is Bharatanatyam. नरतना Ex:  Tel Aviv is home to a number of dance centers and companies. नर्तित Ex:  Ragtime was a style of dance music based around the piano नषाना Ex:  By the end of the decade, disco, a form of dance music, was popular. नाच करना Ex:  Masked dances and dance dramas are common traditional features at festivals नाच या नृत्य Ex:  In addition to food, music and dance feature prominently. नाच Ex:  The city is known for its classical dance shows and Hindu temples. उ:   लकी का नाच पूर्ण तथा अव्यवस्थित होता है। नाचकूद Ex:  Traditional Chamorro culture is visually manifested in dance नाचना Ex:  The traditional folk dance of the Montenegrins is the Oro नाटं Ex:  The most famous form of Tuvaluan dance music नीचे ऊपर नचाना Ex:  The country has a strong tradition of dance and dance dramas नृत्तना Ex:  This includes the modalities dance therapy नृत्य करना या नाचना Ex:  However, the most famous Lakhey dance is the Majipa Lakhey dance नृत्य करना Ex:  Many Nepalese folktales are enacted through the medium of dance and music. नृत्य कला Ex:  Fosse developed a jazz dance style that was immediately recognizable नृत्य पार्ट् Ex:  His dance routines were intense and specific, yet had a simplicity to them. नृत्य संगीत Ex:  The Mass Games involve performances of dance नृत्य Ex:  She said "I have spent all my life with dance and being a dancer. उ:   नृत्य और वादन के साथ किया गया गान ‘संगीत’ है। पदन्यास Ex:  New York, where she directed a newly formed dance department. पादन्यास Ex:  On April 18, 1926, she gave the first performance of her own dance company. प्रनृत्त Ex:  The national dance is the joropo. प्रलोठन Ex:  Largely a dance album प्लवित Ex:  The creators' innovations in dance मलफना Ex:  Since 1979 there has existed in Italy a modern dance company रंगण Ex:  American dance music and musicians were quite popular लफ्तरा Ex:  Danse Macabre by The Faint is a techno dance album alluding to the Black Death. लहराना Ex:  The Folkball is a world music and Folk dance festival held annually in January. लास्यक Ex:  Ame-no-uzeme’s dance is described as asobi विलोड़ Ex:  Indian dance too has diverse folk and classical forms. विवतन Ex:  This is manifested in its language, cuisine, music, dance and theatre. वींखा Ex:  He concentrated on small dance studies वेल्ल Ex:  In electronic dance music संवल्गन Ex:  Folk dances of British origin include the square dance
Other : उलछना Ex:  I love to dance and just let myself go . गांधर्व Ex:  She wore jeans to the dance . घराना Ex:  I think we ought to go to the dance Friday night . उ:   बनारस घराना भारतीय तबला वादन के छः प्रसिद्ध घरानों में से एक है। धड़कना Ex:  A popular folk dance is the Quadrille. नर्तन Ex:  Minstrel shows generally used African instruments and dance
Dance ki paribhasha : ghode aadi par chadhakar use daudana doosare ko naachane men pravratt karana hraday ka spndan karana hava ke jhonke men idhar udhar hilaana ya hilane dolane ke liye chhod dena kisi vastu ki ek aur se doosari or chala jaana jhatake ke saath ekabaaragi sharir ko kshan bhar ke liye is prakaar oopar utha lena jisamen prathvi ka lagaav chhoot jaay sngit ke taal aur gati ke anusaar haath paaanv hilaane, uchhalane koodane aadi ka vyaapaar vah uchhal kood jo chitt ki umng se ho chitt ki umng se uchhalanaa, koodana tatha isi prakaar ki aur cheshta karana
Dance synonyms
disco waltz rock tap skip jump shimmy trip caper jig leap hop frolic sway cavort hustle whirl strut promenade step prance spin tread twist flit careen swing bob gambol get down samba tango rhumba foxtrot jitter jitterbug boogie conga jive charleston one-step two-step boogie down bunny hop cut a rug foot it hoof it trip the light fantastic rock n' roll ball mingle masquerade brawl shindig social formal hoedown sock hop
Usage of Dance in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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