Deaf meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deaf
As noun : अनसुना Ex:  In the sentence Ram is deaf but Krishna is not `deaf is an ellipses at the end of the sentence. उ:   किन्तु कोच्चि के महाराजा ने सामूतिरि की माँग को अनसुना कर दिया।
अनास्थ Ex:  He turned a deaf ear to all my entreaties. अपरत Ex:  All of Sally's good advice fell on deaf ears . अप्रयत्न Ex:  The subject was described as deaf अलोलु Ex:  Stuttering is less prevalent in deaf and hard of hearing individuals उच्चैश्रवा Ex:  In addition to advocating sterilization of the deaf उदासिता Ex:  He worked to outlaw the marriage of deaf individuals to one another उदासीन Ex:  Abraham turned a deaf ear to their pleas. उ:   इनमें उदासीन साधु, मंहत व महामंडलेश्वरों की संख्या ज्यादा है। एड Ex:  A deaf कर्णहीन Ex:  A deaf fermentation निरमर्ष Ex:  A deaf, deaf निरुस्तुक Ex:  By analogy, His mate, his deaf निष्प्रतीप Ex:  deaf Lantern, Lantern made so that the wearer sees without being seen and that the light cache entirely when he wants to बइर ‡ Ex:  Death is deaf to our wishes, our cries बकँर Ex:  From rumors deaf बधीरअ Ex:  He was deaf to my prayers बहरा Ex:  Hitting like a deaf उ:   जन्म का अंधा स्वप्न में देख नहीं सकता, बहरा सुन नहीं सकता। बहरो Ex:  It also said figuratively speaking deaf Intrigues, conspiracies, imminent dangers, but hidden बहिरा Ex:  It also said Led and secret understanding with people of the opposite party, Making practices deaf विकौतुक Ex:  It became deaf विमध्यम Ex:  It is completely deaf सनिर्विशेष Ex:  It is deaf and dumb
As adjective : अकर्ण Ex:  many of the deaf use sign language बघिर Ex:  From stirrings deaf बधिर या बहरा Ex:  He is deaf
Other : बधिर Ex:  It was composed for the deaf and dumb, a language through various movements of the hand and fingers उ:   वह कला स्नातक की उपाधि अर्जित करने वाली पहली बधिर और दृष्टिहीन थी।
Deaf ki paribhasha : baarah prakaar ke raajaaon men vah raaja jo do raajaaon ke bich yuddh hote samay kisi ki or na ho, kinaare rahe
Deaf synonyms
deafened earless hard of hearing stone deaf unable to hear strong-willed oblivious indifferent headstrong obstinate bullheaded intractable mulish pertinacious perverse pigheaded stubborn unaware unconcerned unmoved self-willed to listen blind unhearing
Deaf antonyms
hearing attentive aware conscious listening willing concerned
Usage of Deaf in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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