Debris meaning in hindi - Debris का मतलब हिंदी में

Debris meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Debris
As noun : अंगड खंगड Ex:  Road debris is lying.
ईंट Ex:  The heaps of debris blocked the channel up . उ:   ईंट तथा छाजन के खपरैल टेराकोटा के उदाहरण हैं। कचरा Ex:  The f lood carried us along with the debris . उ:   कचरा भी अपना जादू फिर चलाने लगा। काठकबाड Ex:  The resulting vegetable debris eventually formed coal ���त्थरीले टुकडों का ढेर Ex:  The eruption caused a massive debris avalanche पत्थरीले टुकडों का ढेर Ex:  It was the largest known debris avalanche in recorded history. मलबा Ex:  More than 2,000 debris fields उ:   कभी-कभी शिशुग्रहों की टक्करों से भी मलबा चक्र बन सकते हैं। रोडा Ex:  Some Texas residents recovered some of the debris उ:   भारत को महाशक्ति बनने में जो रोडा है वो है नेता। रोड़ा Ex:  FEMA also provided 75% for the cost of debris removal
Debris ki paribhasha : saaanche men dhaal hua mitta ka chaukhooanta lnba dukad jo pajaave men pakaaya jaata hain rui ka khood ya binaula jo dhunane par alaga kar diya jaata hai tooti ya giraayi hui imaarat ki ianta, patthar aur choona aadi
Examples Words that rhyme with debris
Debris synonyms
junk trash wreck remains rubble rubbish wreckage detritus refuse crap garbage ruins riffraff dross offal dregs pieces fragments bits
Debris antonyms
cleanliness possessions sense neatness purity
Usage of Debris in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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