Deciduous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deciduous
As noun : पतझड़ी Ex:  The primary biome of inland Massachusetts is temperate deciduous forest. उ:   इसका आवास बाग, बगीचे, पतझड़ी और अर्ध सदाबहार जंगलों में होता है।
As adjective :
पतझड़ी Ex:  Most nests are in trees, both deciduous and coniferous. पर्णपाती Ex:  Corolle , deciduous उ:   यह पर्णपाती वृक्ष है। पाती उ:   बेलने के प्रक्रिया से रोटी विस्तार ही पाती है।
Deciduous synonyms
fleeting ephemeral brief temporary short-term momentary evanescent fly-by-night fugitive impermanent passing quick fugacious gone in a heartbeat of short duration over in a heartbeat short-haul short-run changeable flash flitting flying insubstantial moving provisional temporal unstable volatile transmigratory emigrating going by vacating
Deciduous antonyms
enduring lasting long-lived permanent perpetual ethereal lengthy incessant long-lasting persistent undying neverending
Usage of Deciduous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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