Deleterious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deleterious
As adjective : कषि Ex:  Wider health issues accelerate the deleterious effects of diabetes.
क्षतिकर Ex:  The most deleterious risk factors were poor diet दंशेर Ex:  deleterious Character शरारु Ex:  Plants deleterious शर्वरीक सबाध हानिकारक उ:   यह वायु में उपस्थित हानिकारक तत्वों को कम करता है।
Other : नाशक Ex:  deleterious Invention हानिकर हानिकारक.
Deleterious ki paribhasha : svaasthy men truti ya baadha pahuanchaanevaala phalit jyotish men vah yog jisaka phal kisi ki mratyu ho
Deleterious synonyms
bad destroying destructive detrimental hurtful injurious mischievous nocuous pernicious prejudicial ruinous nocent prejudicious ruining
Deleterious antonyms
assisting helpful aiding
Usage of Deleterious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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