Delirious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Delirious
As adjective : अंटागुड़ागुड़ Ex:  The performer faced a delirious crowd.
Hari was delirious while opening the gift.
उनमादी Ex:  A delirious joy उन्मत्त Ex:  delirious fever उन्मत्त{खुशी से} Ex:  DREAM intransitive still means being delirious उन्मत्तक Ex:  It was starting to delirious उमंतं Ex:  , Imagination delirious ऊमंती चित्त विपर्यस्त जड़वत नष्टचित्त नष्टचेतन नष्टसंज्ञ परिक्षीव प्रलापी बिहोस बेसँभर बेहोश उ:   सुन तीन दिन तक बेहोश रहे थे। भ्रांतचित्त मुंछार मुरछावंत मूढ़सत्व वायुनिघ्न विपर्यस्त चित्त विभ्रान्त चित्त विमूर्छित सरशार स्रस्तगात्र हतचेत हतज्ञान
Other : बेसुध उ:   कवियों के तरन्नुम ने समय को ऐसा बांधा कि लोग बेसुध होने लगे। वातुल
Delirious synonyms
insane unhinged maniacal manic crazed mad aberrant bewildered confused crazy demented deranged deviant deviate disordered distracted disturbed hallucinatory incoherent irrational lightheaded lunatic rambling raving unreasonable unsettled wandering disarranged flipped flipped out off one's head out of one's head out of one's skull frenzied ecstatic delighted intoxicated rapturous rabid frantic hysterical beside oneself drunk enthused frenetic furious overwrought transported thrilled carried away corybantic
Delirious antonyms
rational sane collected balanced reasonable sound normal unexcited unhappy sorrowful calm controlled troubled
Usage of Delirious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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