Despair meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Despair
As noun : आशा त्यागना Ex:  in the depths of despair
उदास होना Ex:  overtones of despair उम्मीद छोड़ना Ex:  I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory काश्मल्य Ex:  She f lung her hands up in despair . नाउम्मेदी Ex:  The songs are filled with more despair नियासा Ex:  Whenever the media of New York needed to find some example of urban despair निराशा उत्पन्न करनेवाली वस्तु Ex:  Congress had abandoned Philadelphia in despair निराशा Ex:  This is evident in the despair and subsequent death of Gogol उ:   उन्होंने इसको देख कर काफी निराशा हुई । निरास होना Ex:  Absolutely, then despair that still hopes फलखंडन Ex:  crisis despair भग्नाशा Ex:  Do not despair of मुरझाना Ex:  Falling into despair सन्नि Ex:  Giving head against the wall in despair also means हताश होना Ex:  Having rage, despair in the hearts हतासा Ex:  His successes are the despair of her rivals
As verb : निराश होना Ex:  He was quoted as saying: "When I despair
Other : ना Ex:  He threw his hands up in despair and walked away . उ:   यह हर दिन किसी ना किसी कारण से परेशान रहते हैं। नैराश्य Ex:  After that shot, I despair of winning the game, I despair of the
Despair ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka snchaari bhaav
Despair synonyms
gloom melancholy pain desperation sorrow despondency misery discouragement anguish ordeal dejection trial tribulation wretchedness forlornness disheartenment dashed hopes relinquish renounce drop yield resign flatten abandon destroy surrender take down be hopeless give way have heavy heart let air out lose faith lose heart
Despair antonyms
encouragement happiness joy contentment cheerfulness joyfulness comfort pleasure peace confidence faith hopefulness trust wish for keep pursue anticipate expect have faith
Usage of Despair in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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