Devastate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Devastate
As verb : उजाड‌़ना Ex:  Large outbreaks of these starfish can devastate reefs.
उजाड़ना Ex:  Hurricanes periodically devastate the economy. उध्वस्त करना Ex:  Large outbreaks of these starfish can devastate reefs. तबाह कर देना Ex:  Foxes devastate backyard बरबाद कर देना Ex:  Locusts go by many troops and they often devastate country cross सर्वनाश करना स्तब्ध रह जाना
Devastate ki paribhasha : bhay dikhaakara, maar patikar ya chhin jhapatakar le lena
Devastate synonyms
ruin raze ravage wreck smash desolate raid level pillage trash sack despoil plunder devour total waste desecrate stamp out depredate spoliate do one in lay waste take apart wipe off map
Devastate antonyms
construct create improve guard protect enrich build help save
Usage of Devastate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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