Distract meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Distract
As verb : दूसरी ओर आकर्षित करना Ex:  From this library, you have to distract the books bequeathed to some people
ध्यान खींचना Ex:  He came to distract me from my studies ध्यान भंग करना Ex:  He sought by every means to distract him from his pain, to distract the
Distract synonyms
disturb perplex bewilder amuse mislead entertain detract fluster trouble puzzle confound discompose befuddle abstract sidetrack disconcert madden agitate addle engross occupy unbalance stall torment derange beguile unhinge harass frenzy mix up throw off call away catch flies draw away lead astray lead away turn aside
Distract antonyms
calm comfort explain anger tire soothe clarify clear up bore upset make happy help
Usage of Distract in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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