Doctrinal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Doctrinal
As noun : मत संबंधी Ex:  Longstanding doctrinal disputes
As adjective :
सिद्घान्त―सम्बन्धी Ex:  He constantly attempted to find common ground, both doctrinal and dogmatic.
Other : सिद्धांतीय Ex:  Exhibition doctrinal
Doctrinal ki paribhasha : hindi varnamaala ka pachisavaaan vynjan aur pa varg ka antim varn
Doctrinal synonyms
rigid bigoted bourgeois commonplace conforming conservative demure hackneyed humdrum illiberal inflexible insular lame literal moderate moral narrow narrow-minded obstinate parochial pedestrian prosaic puritanical routine rube run-of-the-mill sober solemn square stereotyped straight strict stuffy uptight drippy hidebound in rut isolationist not heretical straight-laced assertive pragmatic categorical a priori authoritarian authoritative axiomatic canonical deducible derivable doctrinaire eternal formal imperative inevitable oracular peremptory positive prophetic systematic theoretical unchangeable unerring unqualified reasoned as a matter of course by fiat by natural law by nature deductive excathedra on faith acknowledged approved by the numbers conformist correct customary devout die-hard established legitimate official pious proper punctilious reactionary received recognized right rightful sanctioned sound standard traditionalistic straight arrow true according to the book admitted buttoned-down in line old-line well-established spiritual clerical holy sectarian sacred pontifical devotional divine supernatural believing ecclesiastical god-fearing godly ministerial pure reverent righteous sacerdotal sacrosanct saintly scriptural churchly pietistic prayerful born-again churchgoing deistic priestly saintlike theistic metaphysical apostolic classical universal time-honored historic regular popular acceptable accustomed ancestral fixed folk habitual immemorial prescribed rooted unwritten widespread long-established taken for granted transmitted widely used didactic disciplinary expository instructional instructive moralizing preaching teaching admonitory edifying disquisitional sermonic sermonizing
Doctrinal antonyms
abnormal exotic unconventional unusual foreign irregular strange uncommon uncustomary different new original unique doubting indecisive manageable obedient skeptical submissive ambiguous equivocal uncertain amenable flexible questioning doubtful dubious fluctuating not positive vacillating heterodox unorthodox untraditional irreligious irreverent evil immoral sinful vile atheistic erring indolent lazy unholy unsacred wicked agnostic ungodly careless undetailed modern extraordinary infrequent rare fresh unfixed unestablished
Usage of Doctrinal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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