Dog eat dog meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dog eat dog
As noun :
कुत्ते का कुत्ता बैरी
Dog eat dog synonyms
aggressive brutal fierce unmerciful vicious voracious every person for themselves without mercy championship clash meeting tournament fight trial game race struggle sport rivalry event match candidacy run contention antagonism tilt puzzle engagement strife quiz emulation counteraction jungle opposition bout controversy racing encounter warfare rat race matchup striving tug-of-war go for it athletic event concours do or die go for the gold horse race one on one one-upping pairing off ambitious antagonistic combative killer opposing emulous vying competing at odds killer instinct streetwise ferocious savage barbarous bloodthirsty cruel relentless unprincipled hard as nails unrelenting implacable inexorable harsh callous severe grim unyielding unforgiving unsparing gratuitous hardhearted hatchet job mortal uncalled-for unfeeling unflinching unsympathetic wanton compassionless unappeasable unpitying inhumane having a killer instinct iron-fisted mean machine austere cold frigid heartless indifferent insensible obdurate remorseless satanic soulless stony coldblooded coldhearted hatchetjob rancorous cold-blooded sadistic malevolent vindictive adamant feral revengeful stern surly hard-hearted ironfisted without pity
Dog eat dog antonyms
accord surrender peace sympathy agreement harmony unambitious noncompetitive kind gentle compassionate merciful remorseful polite peaceful considerate sparing flexible sympathetic nice yielding easy mild feeling tender calm bright giving charitable civilized forgiving nonviolent friendly humane tame
Usage of Dog eat dog in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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