Dragon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dragon
As noun : अग्निमुख फ़ेत्कार Ex:  A dragon is a not real animal.
अपदेवता Ex:  Please go and smite the dragon with your sword . अमनुष्य Ex:  Chinese dragon boat racing occurs during the Duan Wu festival. उग्र महिला Ex:  Street parades may also include lion dances and dragon dances कालकंज Ex:  When a female Komodo dragon reproduces in this manner कालकेय Ex:  The evolutionary development of the Komodo dragon starts with the Varanus genus कालाप Ex:  The Komodo dragon is a vulnerable species and is found on the IUCN Red List. क्रतुद्रुह Ex:  2007, a Komodo dragon attacked an eight year old boy on Komodo Island. तमाचारी Ex:  A young female dragon at the National Zoo in Washington दईत Ex:  Menger sponge, dragon curve, space-filling curve, and Koch curve. दयंत Ex:  The dragon that guarded the garden of the Hesperides दितिसुत Ex:  The helmet of a dragon दुवन Ex:  This woman is a real dragon, C is a real dragon, a small dragon देवरि Ex:  , A dragon Virtue, A woman whose virtue is austere and fierce दैँत दैत दैत्य उ:   दैत्य अनेक प्रकार के छल करने लगा। नागदैत्य मूक उ:   इन सभी से अधिक का, उसके खिलाफ मूक गवाह हैं। विबुधशत्रु शुक्रशिष्य सपक्ष नाग सपक्ष सर्प
Other : उग्र व्यक्ति Ex:  Because the Komodo dragon does not have a diaphragm
Dragon ki paribhasha : kashyap ke ve putr jo diti naamni stri se paida hue the
Dragon synonyms
basilisk hydra tarragon wyvern
Usage of Dragon in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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