Draw in meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Draw in
As noun :
छोटा होना Ex:  It should draw in the place
Draw in synonyms
exhale sigh snore sniff pant gulp respire fan snort expire gasp puff wheeze scent insufflate open the floodgates use lungs decline consume reduce decrease narrow shrink weaken abbreviate ebb wane dwindle abridge purse subside waste shrivel tighten epitomize compress lessen evaporate deflate abate clench curtail wrinkle confine edit omit recede wither lose constrict fall off take in syncopate become smaller fall away grow less incorporate convert elect enfold absorb adopt accept admit embrace encompass include bring in homogenize homologize bring into line bring into the fold connaturalize take over make one's own entangle embroil ensnare entrap implicate hook incriminate trammel snarl catch net box in drag into lay a trap for lay for make party to huddle crowd cluster pick draw converge collect congregate choose convene assemble meet flock show up round up amass garner accumulate rally capture poke group swarm unite reunite hoard cull associate punch pluck herd concentrate heap aggregate throng muster corral stockpile marshal get together hang around forgather bunch up close with gang up hang out make the scene pile up pour in scare up scrape together stack up stoop squat lean hump curve bow tense bend arch draw together scrooch down urge activate prompt coax engender bring about breed promote motivate produce persuade convince cause generate abet move actuate bulldoze cajole sway instigate wheedle influence effect procure sweet-talk squeeze impel occasion incite bring around get up lead to goose soft-soap steamroll argue into give rise to prevail upon sell one on set in motion suck in talk into win over twist one's arm smell inspire earn clear gain gross pocket take home deny repeal revoke reverse renounce repudiate disavow rule out renege back down take back withdraw cancel back off recant disown rescind suspend welsh recall abjure countermand disclaim eliminate forswear retrograde exclude sheathe retreat call off fall back retrocede pull back unsay back out of forget it go back on have change of heart nig reel in change one's mind eat one's words
Draw in antonyms
hide secret increase grow enlarge amplify lengthen loosen release prolong dilate stretch expand raise strengthen develop extend rise save add open free let go blow up spread break off disagree give exclude eject reject repudiate deny refuse dispute disentangle liberate leave out uncomplicate disperse dissemble scatter squander allot misunderstand cancel divide separate miss dissipate spend lose waste throw away deal distribute plant straighten dissuade prevent destroy deter impede delay hinder discourage stop halt kill stay leave alone fail repel exhale breathe out exonerate sanction enforce permit include welcome corroborate emphasize repeat acknowledge admit allow approve go forward advance forge accept reaffirm
Usage of Draw in in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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