Dried up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dried up
As noun : अट्ट Ex:  the creek dried up every summer
अनूदक Ex:  The creek dried up every summer. अपंकिल Ex:  As the Sahara dried up in 4000-1000 BC अपरिक्लिन्न Ex:  Dryness, state which dried up खोशीदा Ex:  Most trees dried up because of the hot weather जलशोष Ex:  The drought has dried up all the fountains वर्षप्रतिबध Ex:  The great heat has dried up streams सूखा Ex:  The poor state of affairs has dried up the resources of this trader उ:   आमतौर पर यह फरवरी और मार्च के दौरान सूखा रहता है।
Dried up ki paribhasha : jisaka paani nikala, ud ya jal gaya ho
Dried up synonyms
retired departed moved spent ended done traveling withdrawn quit removed lacking split vanished missing finished dissipated absent displaced lost transferred deceased left astray away dead defunct down the drain extinct over past passed shifted disintegrated disappeared flown elapsed decamped consumed dissolved awol burned up no more nonextant not a sign of not here out the window run-off taken a powder taken leave turned to dust thirsty arid scorched dehydrated shriveled cotton-mouth dried out dry as dust waterless reserved silent hesitant shy bashful restrained close tight-lipped uptight close-mouthed clammed up dummied up unforthcoming unspeaking aloof curt distant evasive guarded hush-hush retiring secretive short standoffish unapproachable unresponsive unsociable buttoned up on the qt drooping decayed shrunken faded wilted wrinkled ebb wane dwindle reduce soften curb weaken decline subside fall off drop off slash curtail shrink depreciate deteriorate slump sink abate diminish cut down lower slacken lessen settle degenerate devaluate lighten modify evaporate crumble quell contract waste check calm down let up peter out wear down die down dry up lose edge narrow down run low slack off slow down tail off wear away dry out bankrupt expend squander empty impoverish undermine milk evacuate bleed spend use up dig into suck dry wash up devitalize divest anhydrate wizen dusty torrid barren bare stale impoverished drained exhausted desert bald depleted baked hard anhydrous athirst sapped desiccant evaporated desiccated dried-up droughty juiceless not irrigated sapless unmoistened suppress censor choke repress muffle squelch restrict prevent stop squash cork trammel still bottle up shut down crack down on clamp down on tongue-tie dummy up blister brown make thirsty expire terminate wear out be cleaned out be out of come to a close give out have no more have none left waste away toast blight sizzle brand cauterize harden cook seal burn up gag soft-pedal fall silent hold tongue keep trap shut pipe down quit chattering stop talking cut off subdue mute dampen lull deaden extinguish dull cut short dumb overawe choke off clam up close up cool it decrease the volume keep it down quiet down say nothing sit on strike dumb hold one's tongue hush one's mouth smother suffocate strangle asphyxiate stultify stagnate kill spike black out hush up constipate torpedo burke bring to screeching halt choke back cover up hold it down put the lid on dour laconic antisocial cold sententious sparing speechless brooding unexpressive faint melt succumb collapse flag languish cave in become limp break down perish deflate atrophy fold constrict blast become stale preserve bone-dry sere rebate taper tail away
Dried up antonyms
incomplete unfinished sufficient stored existing living current working hoarded saved found present alive around moist wet damp extroverted unreserved communicative talkative confident outgoing forward unrestrained unshy responsive growing blooming fresh increase enlarge improve ascend lengthen prolong compliment laud praise liberate rise develop expand extend strengthen irritate go up upset build add soak moisten dampen hydrate create augment fill give moisturize lively humid soaked soggy watery exciting interesting untiring full unused dripping juicy release permit aid assist encourage let go allow free help freeze invigorate refresh commence supply begin start keep maintain bear stay get have succeed speak communicate be noisy persuade loose fluent wordy loosen flourish stretch pour agitate disturb
Usage of Dried up in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi. 
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