Drummer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Drummer
As noun : डुग्गी पीटने वाला Ex:  Pierre Michelot and René Urtreger, and American drummer Kenny Clarke.
डौंडी पीटने वाला Ex:  Slayer recruited Testament drummer Jon Dette ढिंढ़ोरची Ex:  Lombardo and Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison volunteered ढुलिया Ex:  Bård Faust former Cradle of Filth drummer Adrian Erlandsson ढोल बजाने वाला Ex:  According to Ramones drummer Tommy Ramone ढोलकिया Ex:  Nirvana hired Mudhoney drummer Dan Peters उ:   इसका निर्देशन राहुल ढोलकिया ने किया है। ढोलकिहा Ex:  Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo, and Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison volunteered. ढोलची Ex:  Ill Niño drummer Dave Chavarri finds early Metallica releases as "heavy
Other : ढोलिया Ex:  It included British drummer Aynsley Dunbar
Drummer synonyms
road warrior traveling salesman bagman knight of the road roadman traveling agent traveling man traveling sales representative traveling saleswoman
Usage of Drummer in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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