Earful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Earful
As noun :
ज़बर्दस्त डाँट
Earful synonyms
scandal hearsay chitchat conversation slander buzz news chatter blather account prate chronicle grapevine defamation cry story meddling babble scuttlebutt wire prattle calumny injury small talk whispering campaign blether clothesline back-fence talk dirty laundry dirty linen dirty wash idle talk malicious talk instruction word knowledge intelligence advice material tip clue science data orientation tidings learning illumination erudition confidence network notification cue score lore enlightenment notice wisdom break counsel dossier scoop leak propaganda chapter and verse dope ammo inside story lowdown whole story what's what directive memo memorandum note letter epistle dispatch missive paper intimation bulletin cannonball communiquã© condemnation admonition censure disapproval snub reproach punishment rebuff repulse reprehension correction ostracism castigation affliction put-down lesson row going-over reproof lecture tongue-lashing refusal blame comeuppance scolding remonstrance expostulation admonishment dressing-down rating objurgation berating chiding upbraiding reproval bawling-out chewing-out hard time kick in the teeth slap in the face talking-to telling-off comment speech hash tattle rumble canard murmur prating blow by blow the latest announcement discovery communication sign divination publication proclamation flash exposition exhibition exposure exposã© showing betrayal manifestation prophecy inspiration broadcasting oracle apocalypse display vision epiphany expose unveiling divulgement adumbration foreshadowing uncovering eye-opener lightning bolt unearthing lie innuendo falsehood hoax suggestion fabrication invention notoriety bruit fiction breeze supposition repute fame negotiation conference dialogue deliberation visit argument consultation interview symposium meeting seminar huddle conclave parley powwow spiel colloquy confabulation parlance palaver encounter ventilation eyeball-to-eyeball interlocution straight talk tittle-tattle gossipry
Earful antonyms
quiet silence fact ignorance question heedlessness neglect encouragement endorsement praise flattery commendation compliment exoneration approval sanction concealment secret cover hiding evidence truth proof listening
Usage of Earful in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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