Ecstasy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ecstasy
As noun : अति आह्लाद Ex:  It was ecstasy to feel its tongue against his hand .
अद्वयानंद Ex:  Falling in ecstasy असीम आनंद Ex:  He contemplated her with ecstasy आनंदातिरेक Ex:  In the mystical language, it means the state of a soul transported out of herself by ecstasy आनन्दातिरेक Ex:  This plunged the music in a delicious ecstasy एक्सटेसी Ex:  Which of the two genres is caused by ecstasy or, speaking of the People, which is subject or willing to enter into ecstasy परम आनंद भावातिरेक उ:   भावातिरेक में भीड़ों के विवेकहीन आचरण का यही कारण है। मंगल उ:   पीछे से मंगल मुस्कुरा कर आ गया। हर्षातिरेक, हर्षातिशय हर्षातिरेक हर्षोत्कर्ष हर्षोन्माद हषोर्न्माद
Ecstasy ki paribhasha : vah prasannata jo kisi aanevaale sukh ko sochakar hoti hai aur manushy ko kaary men pravratt karati hai saur jagat ka ek prasiddh grah jo prathvi ka putr maana jaata hai koi asnbhav ya asaadhy kaary karane ke liye udyog karana ek alnkaar jisamen ek ke gun ya dosh se doosare men gun ya dosh dikhalaaya jaata hai isake chaar bhed hain—k gun se gun hona
Ecstasy synonyms
rapture elation euphoria happiness joy gladness transport trance beatitude delectation fervor paradise enthusiasm cool enchantment exaltation delight felicity frenzy intoxication inspiration heaven joyfulness ebullience delirium blessedness seventh heaven rhapsody ravishment twilight zone
Ecstasy antonyms
sadness sorrow woe indifference apathy coolness hell calmness despair torment depression unhappiness misery trouble
Usage of Ecstasy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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