Ecstatic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ecstatic
As adjective :
अंग मे अंग न समाना Ex:  He is very ecstatic player. अति आनंदित Ex:  He was ecstatic about the chance to do this. उल्लसित Ex:  I was conscious only of my own words, of my ecstatic song. उल्लासित Ex:  Enter meditation, contemplation, ecstatic उ:   उल्लासित रहो और उन्हें हमारी प्राथनाओं की सुरक्षा प्रदान करो। नर्मद्युति Ex:  Rapture ecstatic परमानन्ददायक Ex:  Transport ecstatic भावातिकी Ex:  , be thrilled, be in such a transport of joy that appears in ecstatic मग्न करने वाला Ex:  A ecstatic soul समाधिमग्न हर्षातिरेकी हर्षोन्मादक
Other : गहकना Ex:  Enter meditation, contemplation, ecstatic भावविभोर Ex:  When he saw such beautiful things, he was ecstatic
Ecstatic synonyms
elated crazy overjoyed delirious enthusiastic joyous rhapsodic fervent rapturous mad upbeat joyful beatific dreamy floating frenzied gone high on cloud nine out sent sunny tickled pink transported wild thrilled euphoric athrill enraptured entranced flying high in exaltation in seventh heaven pleased as punch ravished tickled to death turned on
Ecstatic antonyms
sorrowful sane collected indifferent apathetic depressed down sad unhappy balanced reasonable unexcited unenthusiastic despaired tormented troubled
Usage of Ecstatic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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