Effect meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Effect
As noun : अनुवर्तन Ex:  The effect of radiation of atomic bombing in Hiroshima can be seen on unborn
अपरिणाम Ex:  he just did it for effect अभ्याश Ex:  she said something to that effect असर करना करना Ex:  The placebo effect cured the patients diseace. असर करना Ex:  She never measures the effect of what she is going to say. असर Ex:  Your scoldings will have no effect on him.
The general effect of the symposium was overwhelming.
उ:   उनका असर उपापचय पर और फिर पोषण पर भी पड़ता है।
उतपानना Ex:  A recessionary effect on the economy is bad. उपनामा Ex:  The smoke has deleterious effect on public health . उपानना Ex:  Aspirin has a bad effect on me . कार्य कारण Ex:  It also has an oxidation-preventing effect on the lead bullet. खातिमा Ex:  Poverty, in particular, has a very substantial effect on life expectancy. खामियाजा Ex:  Occupation may also have a major effect on life expectancy. डंडाकुंडा Ex:  The effect of Luther’s intervention was instantaneous. धकिया Ex:  However, the new policy had its intended effect नतिजा Ex:  The same effect is achieved if the House of Commons "withdraws Supply" उ:   ये देख राजा डर गया उसकी समझ मे आ गया कि ये सब उसकी गलति का नतिजा है। नियोजन Ex:  But I went because Leonard Goldenson in effect said उ:   इस नियोजन का मुख्य आधार कल्पना है – अनुभूति नहीं। परभाइ Ex:  The effect of life in St. परमफल Ex:  This effect is not restricted to clocks परिणाम Ex:  Although the Treaty of Devol never came into effect उ:   मनुष्यों पर भी इसका परिणाम गंभीर होता है। परीणाम Ex:  ” JCS 1067 had then been in effect for over two years. पर्तीति Ex:  This has suggested an environmental effect पैदा करना Ex:  However, recent research suggests this effect was relatively minor. प्रभात पड़ना Ex:  This effect is known as color constancy. प्रभाय Ex:  This effect is responsible for the phenomenon of afterimages प्रभाव पड़ना Ex:  McClintock expanded her research on the effect of X-rays on maize cytogenetics. प्रभाव Ex:  This effect is most pronounced in Johannesburg उ:   यह प्रभाव समुद्र से दूरी बढ़ने पर घटता है। प्रभावान्विति Ex:  The effect was a "funky" style प्रभुत Ex:  Any effect would vary by region. प्रवर्तना Ex:  Kairosis is the effect of novels whose characters become integrated in time. फैज Ex:  This effect is important in hospitals but useful in many contexts. बिड़वना Ex:  Without this heat-retention effect मंत्रबल Ex:  The effect is also termed the Hertz Effect मनफल Ex:  Hippie fashions and values had a major effect on culture रोबदाब Ex:  The effect of tuskless elephants on the environment विजृंभित Ex:  A new constitution took effect in May 1963 विपरिणति Ex:  Because of the Coriolis effect विस्फूर्जित Ex:  Laws have no effect until promulgated by Orders-in-Council of the Crown. सन्निबध Ex:  His three main themes were the effect of religious ideas on economic activities सन्निबध Ex:  His three main themes were the effect of religious ideas on economic activities समुत्पादन Ex:  In general for its effect on politics सानुबंध Ex:  The stars have no major effect on each other हुसूल Ex:  The Great Lakes also have a moderating effect for shoreline areas.
As verb : पुरस्करण Ex:  Wisconsin remained in the Persian Gulf after the cease-fire took effect पूरा करना Ex:  While this effect is manifested macroscopically as a structural "force" संप्रसाधन Ex:  The new constitution took effect on 6 June 2002 सकिलाना ‡ Ex:  Many poetic dictions use repetitive phrases for effect
Other : आपात Ex:  The new law will take effect next month उ:   यह चिकित्सकीय रूप से आपात स्थिति है। आभास Ex:  Rita gave a stippled effect in her cards for the S.U.P.W. work. उ:   इन प्रयत्नों के फलस्वरूप कीटाणुजगत् के विषय का भी आभास हुआ। कर्म Ex:  Cold weather has a bad effect on roses . उ:   दर्शन में कर्म एक विशेष अर्थ में प्रयुक्त होता है। कर्मचारी Ex:  The bullets had no effect on the steel door . उ:   इसमें उसके लिये कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि यानि ईपीएफ यानी सहायक होते हैं। कर्मशील Ex:  It usually remains in effect until it is repealed काम में आना Ex:  What has been the effect of this coercion? कार्य Ex:  Man-powered aircraft also rely on ground effect to remain airborne उ:   कवि का कार्य आत्मनिरपेक्ष होता है। कार्यन्वित होना Ex:  The Renaissance later had a significant effect on Rome के लिए Ex:  Like the peasants the Renaissance had little effect on them. छाप Ex:  Immigration was another effect of Soviet occupation. उ:   इस समर्थन की छाप उनकी रचनाओं में सर्वत्र मिलती है। तासीर Ex:  Mandelbrot described both the Noah effect and the Joseph effect . उ:   स्वभाव - करोंदा की तासीर गरम होती है। प्रभावी होना Ex:  Whereas antidepressants usually take around a month to take effect प्रवर्तन में Ex:  This effect is called dispersion. प्रवृत वस्तुत- Ex:  While all these measures had some effect on the Israeli economy फल Ex:  The bill passed with the effect that उ:   फल एक परिपक्व अंडाशय है। लागूना Ex:  The overall effect of the shooting was uncertain. सम्पन्न करना Ex:  Opera has had a lasting effect on Italy's folk, classical and popular musics. सिद्ध करना Ex:  They also began looking at the effect of markets on each other.
Effect ki paribhasha : kisi kaam ko chalaana vanaspati men honevaala vah bich athava poshak dravy ya goode se paripoorn bijakosh jo kisi vishisht RRitu men phoolon ke aane ke baad utpann hota hai vah jo kaaran ka vikaar ho athava jise lakshy karake karta kriya kare pradhaan sattaarthak kriya ek roop ya avastha ko chhodkar doosare roop ya avastha ko praapt hona ek sima men, jo adhik ya atynt kam na ho, thaharaana itana maan ya adhikaar ki jo baat chaahe kar ya kara sake
Usage of Effect in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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