Elbow meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Elbow
As noun : अंतरालदिक् Ex:  when bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist
कफणि Ex:  His elbow abraded while fielding. किहुनी Ex:  My elbow knocked off the book . कुर्पर Ex:  Mary struck her elbow on the doorjamb . कुहंचा Ex:  If the elbow straightens illegally then the square-leg umpire may call no-ball. कुहनी गुसाना Ex:  Koufax ended up getting three cortisone shots for his sore elbow कुहनी मरना Ex:  The Goal Umpire signals a goal with two hands raised at elbow height कुहनी से ढकेलना Ex:  Anatomy process of the upper end of the ulna, which helps to form the elbow कुहनी Ex:  By analogy, the elbow of a pipe उ:   कुहनी के पास उससे दो आवर्तक शाखाएँ निकलती हैं। कोना Ex:  From his elbow he pressed his neighbor's उ:   इसीलिए इसका एक कोना स्थिरता का और एक कोना चंचलता का प्रतीक होता है। कोहन Ex:  He thought of length measurement taken on the extent there from the elbow to the end of the middle finger उ:   “नासा” प्रयोगशाला के योसफ बार कोहन इस शोध में सबसे आगे हैं। कोहनी Ex:  He touched the elbow उ:   वे बताते हैं कि उन्होंने कोहनी तक चमड़ा पहन रखा था। खुंट Ex:  He was leaning on the elbow गुसाना Ex:  His knee, his elbow ankylosis चीर कर जाना Ex:  In terms of mechanics, it is said of a crankshaft whose elbow is articulated to a connecting rod टोँका Ex:  In terms of Tailor, Couder a round, Doing elbow नुक्कड Ex:  It is said properly, in terms of anatomy, the arm portion that extends from the shoulder to the elbow one that goes from the elbow to the wrist is called Forearm भुजामध्य Ex:  No control over his actions, he is no longer under tutelage he has his elbow
Other : कफोणि Ex:  He got an elbow pro-lapse in the accident. केहुनी Ex:  elbow मोड़ Ex:  Part of Anatomy the arm from the elbow to the wrist उ:   यह तेतारपुर मोड़ से डेमा जाने वाले रोड पर स्थित है।
Elbow ki paribhasha : taaanbe ya pital ki bani hui tedhi nali jo hukke ki nigaali men lagaayi jaati hai pairon ke bich ka haddiyon ka jod vah sthaan jahaaan se kisi or ko mud jaay ek bindu par milati hui aisi do rekhaaon ke bich ka atar jo milakar ek rekha nahin ho jaati
Elbow synonyms
joint fork angle crook curve bow hinge turn bend corner crutch funny bone ancon crazy bone half turn knock nudge shove bump hook bulldoze hustle shoulder press jostle crowd rough and tumble
Elbow antonyms
Usage of Elbow in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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