Elevating meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Elevating
Other :
उत्कर्षक उत्थापक उत्थापन उ:   इसके लिये चुम्बकिय उत्थापन और आजकल कमानी का प्रयोग भी हो रहा है।
Elevating synonyms
uplift heighten pyramid uphold tilt ramp poise erect pump hoist upraise levitate rear put up take up fetch up hike up jack up shoot up stilt appoint upgrade boost prefer intensify build up enhance advance glorify ennoble magnify skip swell dignify increase exalt further honor aggrandize excite inspire refine elate sublimate brighten hearten cheer exhilarate animate rouse bring up perk up buoy up
Elevating antonyms
decrease lessen condemn demote denounce deprecate disdain spurn disgrace distress shame drop fall depress lower push down trouble upset reject weaken castigate degrade humiliate belittle halt stop criticize debase diminish bring down dishearten discourage dull
Usage of Elevating in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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