Elongate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Elongate
As verb : लंबा करना या तानना या बड़ाना
लंबा करना लंबा होना लंबा उ:   मादा पक्षी से नर पक्षी लंबा एवं बड़ा होता है।
Other : बडाना Ex:  It is also said thin and elongate elements which enter into the composition of vegetable बड़ाना लम्बा करना
Elongate ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko usaki poori lnbaayi ya chaudai tak badhaakar le jaana jisake donon chhor ek doosare se bahut adhik doori par hon
Elongate synonyms
lengthen draw out extend stretch prolong pad protract fill drag out prolongate let out put rubber in spin out drag one's feet
Elongate antonyms
shorten curtail constrict abbreviate contract
Usage of Elongate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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