Eloquent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Eloquent
As noun : वाक्पटु Ex:  He said again, by extension, Everything is able to make the same impression, produce the same effects as eloquent
विदग्धालाप Ex:  It was so eloquent that led everyone
As adjective : खशबयान Ex:  Jawaharlal Nehru was an eloquent speaker . गुलफिशाँ Ex:  He was an eloquent conversationalist who प्रवचनपटु Ex:  Handsome and eloquent बडा बोलने वाला Ex:  An eloquent orator बड़ा बोलने वाला Ex:  An eloquent voice भावपूर्ण Ex:  By extension, this speech is very eloquent उ:   इस शैली के वाक्य छोटे-छोटे तथा भावपूर्ण हैं। मन हरण Ex:  eloquent piece that rhetoricians Ancient composed for practice वग्मी Ex:  eloquent Regard वाक् पटु Ex:  eloquent Tears वाग्मितापूर्ण Ex:  He was figuratively, in high style, Great poets, eloquent men, great musicians शब्दचतुर Ex:  Lawyer famous, famous, eloquent सुवक्ता Ex:  Speakers, eloquent lawyers उ:   उन्हें शांत, सुवक्ता और हरे रंग में प्रस्तुत किया जाता है। सुवाग्मी Ex:  Speaking in eloquent terms
Other : वदान्य Ex:  eloquent Silence वाग्मी Ex:  It is rather eloquent he is eloquent उ:   सुभुजो दुर्धरो वाग्मी महेंद्रो वसुदो वसुः। वाग्विदग्ध Ex:  It says figuratively Last book of a famous musician, a great poet, an eloquent man has made little before his death
Eloquent synonyms
outspoken vivid impassioned forceful persuasive powerful articulate ardent poignant touching moving vocal affecting passionate expressive fervent stirring fervid fluent glib grandiloquent graphic impressive indicative magniloquent meaningful potent rhetorical sententious significant silver-tongued suggestive telling voluble facund revealing smooth-spoken well-expressed
Eloquent antonyms
introverted apathetic indifferent impotent ineffective dispassionate unmoving inarticulate shy dull weak calm cool unexcited cold frigid unenthusiastic unaffecting
Usage of Eloquent in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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