Empiric meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Empiric
As noun : अनुभववादी Ex:  It also derives from a more specific classical Greek and Roman usage of empiric
अनुभूति मूलक प्रयोगसिद्ध उ:   और इस दृष्टिकोण को हाल ही में कुछ प्रयोगसिद्ध समर्थन मिले हैं।
Empiric synonyms
experimental factual observed pragmatic provisional experient experiential observational hypocrite con artist impersonator cheat faker sham sharper actor mountebank imitator shyster phony pretender quack fraud trickster deceiver pseudo mimic charlatan beguiler four-flusher masquerader scorner mocker bluffer pettifogger speculative
Empiric antonyms
hypothetical impractical speculative theoretical unobserved conjectural unproved
Usage of Empiric in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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