Empty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Empty
As noun : अंतर्गडु Ex:  semantically empty messages
अवश्थ Ex:  We faced an empty larder. आरेचित Ex:  A good seller never lets his customer return empty handed. उआवाई Ex:  I set my empty glass on the counter . उझंटना Ex:  Don't throw around your empty cans . उझाँटना Ex:  Tom stood there with an almost empty glass . उद्धुंधन Ex:  Hindu texts used the term śūnya to indicate the empty column on the abacus. उद्वस Ex:  With the throne empty ऊटपटाँग Ex:  That tomb has been empty ever since कड्ढना Ex:  Judah remained relatively empty of permanent population कढ्डेरना Ex:  Go begins with an empty board. काढना Ex:  "derivative … trashy, empty and second-hand". कुड़ुक Ex:  But space is not empty खाली डिब्बा Ex:  Robert "Bob" Simms , in the empty Wallace house. खाली होना Ex:  Finding Keith's promises of backing a newspaper to be empty खाली Ex:  Inside it is an empty area called the thylakoid space or lumen. उ:   इस पृष्ठ को खाली न करें। खिल्ला Ex:  The Virgin River and Muddy River empty into Overton Arm खुक्खल Ex:  If a game runs into many extra innings, a team may well empty its bullpen. खूखला Ex:  While exploring the empty house खोंखर खोखल Ex:  Sneaking in, he discovers an empty bottle of whiskey, several cigarette खोखला Ex:  The really empty sounds are the pauses between notes. उ:   ये सारी आदतें उसके धन के भण्डार के तेज़ी से खोखला करने लगीं। छनकान Ex:  Similarly, we have a lot of empty spaces in our lives . छोड़ना Ex:  and by extension, the drink, empty झाँझरा Ex:  As full as empty झोखना Ex:  Back empty game bag ठलुआ Ex:  bombastic promises, empty promises Large and ठल्लपु० Ex:  brazen and empty loquacity ठालीपु Ex:  Covering a great name, an empty title, authority of someone तिजइना Ex:  empty a rose, carnations तियागना Ex:  Empty places, empty country, etc तुच्छय Ex:  empty tomb, erected in memory and in honor of a dead थोथर Ex:  Her house is always full of people, absolutely never empty or दरगुजरना Ex:  Hollow Ring is said of a thing whose sound suggests, when struck, it is hollow, empty नंषना Ex:  In terms of architecture, it is said of stones removed a wall to fit in empty the stones of a new building निकालना Ex:  In terms of theater, Playing before the bench, playing for the benches, Playing in an empty or nearly empty room of spectators उ:   उसी साल से अन्होंने अपना वार्षिक पंचाग भी निकालना शुरू कर दिया। निरथु Ex:  It also makes for a vain and empty loquacity निरर्थक Ex:  It also means Fill a hollow, empty उ:   कुछ विद्वान उपर्युक्त दोनों प्रकार की बहस को निरर्थक मानते हैं। निर्घातन Ex:  It also means the empty Size practiced परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन Ex:  It is adorned an empty title प्रमूकना Ex:  It says figuratively Speeches and writings which, despite their pompous appearance, show only the empty बखोरना ‡ Ex:  It still means, figuratively, Who is empty or contains only chimeras बिरराना Ex:  It was not an empty title बेकाज Ex:  Marine Piece of wood or cork, or fagot empty barrel or metal device that floats above an anchor indicate where it is wet भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex:  OPENING still means a state something that is open, empty space in what is otherwise continuous मिरथा Ex:  Phrase Maker, the speaker or writer an affected manner sought, verbose and empty मुंचना Ex:  Place empty space मुकलना Ex:  Printing of Small piece of iron that printers use to fill empty Small मुक्काना Ex:  Replace the Arts wine even from one who has fallen into a barrel as a result of evaporation, so that there remains no empty मूकना Ex:  Ridding a port ships, empty vessels, in order to make the free access to those arriving laden मेल्हना Ex:  The bottle is half empty मोकना Ex:  The car is partly empty मोकलना Ex:  The full and empty मोक्षण Ex:  The house itself is an empty bottle मोचना Ex:  The house was empty मोषण Ex:  The one who empty the cesspits रिक्त Ex:  The past participle bloated, EE, says figuratively a pompous and empty Way to write, to speak उ:   वर्तमान में जम्मू और कश्मीर के मुख्यमन्त्री का कार्यालय रिक्त है। वशिक Ex:  This has returned the empty wallet विक्त Ex:  This truck was gone empty and he brought a whole load विजल्पित Ex:  This wine is very old, it took the empty व्यवाकृति Ex:  Who is of two kinds pompous, bombastic and empty background संत्यजन Ex:  , empty moment, free of occupation Moment संप Ex:  , Having the empty head, empty brain, experience the weakness of mind that produce the lack of food, fatigue, etc सन्यासन Ex:  , Nothing in the hands, nothing in the pockets is said to indicate that On has hands and empty pockets समासर्जन Ex:  de Medicine Apprehension, accompanied by dizziness, crossing empty समुत्सर्ग Ex:  He hungry, empty सारशून्य Ex:  Lull someone empty promises
As verb : अपूरित Ex:  the church was empty ख़ाली Ex:  Hence the Sicilian aristocrat's home was seldom empty or quiet. उ:   ख़ाली समय बिताने के लिए चित्र बनाने लगे। खाली करना Ex:  La Grande Armée entered Moscow only to find the city largely empty and ablaze. मूढ मति Ex:  Speaking dramatic parts, the theater, the stage is empty, says remains empty when, in the course of an act, there is still no actor on the stage मूढ़ मति Ex:  The barrel is half empty रिताना Ex:  There are empty times of the day, we would do well to fill by any occupation
As adjective : अंतरख Ex:  People are now fed up with empty rhetorics of politicians. उद्वस Ex:  With the throne empty खं Ex:  Even a single photon traveling in empty space has a relativistic mass खुक्खल Ex:  If a game runs into many extra innings, a team may well empty its bullpen. Ex:  Balancer composition, Make the masses that groups it swing, so that no one side of the table of FIGS overloaded or accessories, while the other is empty ठल्लपु० Ex:  brazen and empty loquacity तुच्छय Ex:  empty tomb, erected in memory and in honor of a dead थोता Ex:  He said again, especially in the plural, of Mouthpieces where large rivers empty into the sea थोथा Ex:  His purse is entirely empty निसीठी Ex:  It also means the glass bell that is placed on the plate of a pneumatic machine and where it contains the body that we want to put in the empty बेँदी Ex:  Lose the pommel, empty pommel be knocked, fall or be thrown from his horse लोकाक्ष Ex:  Think he fun of words with words, words pay me? It is said in the same direction Waves words, empty words, empty words of वशिक Ex:  This has returned the empty wallet विजिह्म Ex:  To this case, the battalion was very ill and remained almost empty frames शून्य Ex:  You have to leave them empty these disputes उ:   "सम संख्या" की मानक परिभाषा के अनुसार शून्य सम है। सिफर सून्य
Other : असार Ex:  The magazine is empty of bullets. उंडेलना Ex:  He left the empty jug on the table. ओछा Ex:  L'ombra sua torna, ch'era dipartita , is poignantly absent from the empty tomb. छूँछा Ex:  A speech, an empty book, reason, where there neither sense nor reason, where there is nothing solid उ:   उनके मुताबिक़ फ़िल्म का चरमोत्कर्ष आसान और छूँछा था। छूछा Ex:  Action to fill a cavity, an empty रीता Ex:  There is nothing in the house, it's empty सूना
Empty ki paribhasha : ek chidiya jo taalon ke kinaare rahati hai jo kisi kaary ka na ho saarahin ya nistatv bhaag kaan ka ek aabhooshan kisi pakadi hui vastu ko prathak karana jisake andar kuchh na ho
Empty synonyms
dry vacant uninhabited unfilled unoccupied hollow deserted devoid desolate bare blank barren abandoned lacking exhausted forsaken dead wanting depleted deflated waste clear destitute godforsaken stark vacuous vacated despoiled evacuated unfurnished worthless meaningless idle petty silly aimless banal cheap deadpan dishonest dumb expressionless fatuous frivolous futile ignorant inane ineffectual inexpressive insincere insipid jejune nugatory otiose paltry purposeless senseless trivial unintelligent unreal unsatisfactory unsubstantial vain valueless vapid starving famished ravenous unfed drain consume dump unload leak escape purge gut discharge run out drink tap ebb eject expel disgorge decant leave release unburden flow out make void pour out rush out use up
Empty antonyms
overflowing aware inhabited filled sufficient animated entire replete satisfied abundant copious fruitful productive full occupied populated busy cherished unused complete sated effective valuable worthwhile meaningful useful raised satiated permit hold keep maintain load occupy take in allow
Usage of Empty in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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