Entrance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Entrance
As noun : अगिरीं Ex:  the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen
अपवाड़ Ex:  they waited at the entrance to the garden अररि Ex:  The entrance of the park had a gatehouse. अररी Ex:  The watchman stooped the sandalled man at the entrance of the te,mple. उपसंचार Ex:  A dresser was placed at the entrance of the house for the visitors एवेन्यू Ex:  Please come through the entrance slowly . गमि Ex:  Lorenzo the Magnificent was buried at the entrance wall of the Medici Chapel. चलणा Ex:  Groups of blood vessels form at the entrance of the dental papilla. चहीला Ex:  Cho was seen near the entrance to West Ambler Johnston Hall झीर Ex:  It is unclear how Cho gained early entrance to the building. तरीक Ex:  It is located in the city centre at the entrance to the Zeil. दाखिला देना Ex:  The main entrance was also refurbished दाखिला लेना Ex:  He thought that he might have found the entrance to hell. दाखिला Ex:  Other prominent entrance exams include JAM for M.Sc. उ:   उन्होंने एम.एससी में दाखिला लिया। दुवरवा Ex:  Guns on Gibraltar controlled the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea दूवार Ex:  Other warnings from ships off the harbor entrance were still being processed द्रोणगंधिका Ex:  The main entrance is at the axial centre of the building द्वार Ex:  It is the main entrance to and out of Port Louis. उ:   इस द्वार का एक छोटा-सा गोपुरम है। द्वारकपाट Ex:  Admissions to undergraduate study are through entrance examinations धूर्तमानुषा Ex:  Given that entrance requirements at the Grand École were not particularly high पंथड़ा Ex:  It is situated at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia and forms an autonomous पइठ ‡ Ex:  The neoclassical entrance lodges were a later addition, by Sir John Soane. पइस Ex:  By contrast, the north entrance façade is more restrained. पथत् Ex:  This course of study is followed by an entrance examination . परवेस Ex:  Neither for their entrance to the university nor for the school syllabus. पादपद्धति Ex:  Only 20% of the park's annual funding comes from entrance and campground fees. पेँठ Ex:  Fort York was constructed at the entrance of the town's natural harbour पेंड Ex:  China's national university entrance exam पैझना Ex:  There is an entrance back right which may be curtained . पैठ Ex:  at the entrance of the उ:   पिछले कुछ वर्षों में इस कार्यक्रम ने भी अपनी गहरी पैठ बनाई है। पैसारी Ex:  bronze doors were closing the entrance of the Temple प्रणिघान Ex:  By extension, it is said of Offices placed at access routes to cities to collect entrance fees प्रतिहारण Ex:  college entrance प्रदिपद् Ex:  extent of a thing considered since the surface or the entrance to the bottom प्रपदन Ex:  He also said, in terms of Architecture, a circular part at the entrance of a palace at the end of a garden, the meeting of several paths, several roads प्रवेश द्वार Ex:  He stopped at the entrance of the wood प्रवेश मार्ग Ex:  It also means the more or less narrow opening which serves as an entrance or exit to certain organs, for some devices stomach Orifices प्रवेश Ex:  It also said that the lights on during the night on towers at the entrance of ports and along sea beaches, buildings to indicate the route they must take into उ:   इसका प्रवेश द्वार कल्याण महल के सामने है। प्रवेश् द्वार Ex:  It is door to balcony false above the entrance प्रसन्न करना या हर्षोन्मत्त करना Ex:  It says yet that presents a Crowd eagerly at the entrance to some place प्र्रवेश―द्वार Ex:  LANE also told of a Passage between two parallel walls that leads to the entrance of a house in inside बारयाबी Ex:  Narrow entrance of a port, a harbor मूर्छा लाना Ex:  natural or artificial channel at the entrance of a port or waterway which leads to Pass this entry मोह दिला कर लुभाना Ex:  Opening that forms the entrance to certain natural or artificial excavations मोहर Ex:  Pay the entrance to a wine barrel उ:   ऐसी मोम पर मोहर लगाकर चीज़ों को प्रमाणित करा जा सकता है। रसूख Ex:  pompous entrance रास्ता Ex:  Portico, covered place at the entrance of a temple, a church, or even a palace उ:   चौरास तक पहुंचने का रास्ता कीर्ति नगर से है। रुसख Ex:  Prohibit the entrance of the church रोड Ex:  Put networks at the entrance of a burrow to take rabbits उ:   यह शहर कन्नौज रोड पर स्थित है। वट्ट Ex:  sandy benches close the port entrance वट्टा Ex:  The citizens were paying big point of their own wine at the entrance of the city वर्तनि Ex:  The entrance of a city, a port , a harbor वर्तम Ex:  The entrance of the bag वहिर्देंश Ex:  The entrance of this passage is closed by a gate विगाह Ex:  The entrance to a cellar for some distance seems perfectly black विनिवेश Ex:  The entrance to this home is inconvenient वुरूद Ex:  The harbor entrance व्यतिभेद Ex:  The neck of a bottle, a jug or any other vessel which is the narrow entrance समुपस्था, समुपस्थान Ex:  The troops were at the entrance to the parade सम्मोहित करना Ex:  There is a strong land that defends the bridge entrance सरणि, सरणी Ex:  This actor missed his entrance सिरात Ex:  This house has a double entrance सृंका Ex:  This Side expressed particular where the main entrance is located जाना उ:   इसे पहले "अरियालुर" के नाम से जाना जाता था।
Other : आरम्भ Ex:  They waited at the entrance to the garden उ:   अपने आरम्भ से ही अंतिम गुफा अनावासित थी। फाटक Ex:  masonry Massive built at the end of a pier, at the entrance of a port उ:   अंग्रेजी शासकों को हजारी लाल फाटक की जानकारी हो गयी थी।
Entrance ki paribhasha : ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par praapt hone ke liye gati men hona kisi snsthaa, kaaryaalay aadi men snmilit kiye jaane ka kaary naatak men kisi paatr ka rngamnch men pravesh ghar men aane jaane ke liye divaar men khula hua sthaan
Entrance synonyms
hallway porch door opening entryway port access passageway corridor gate avenue lobby vestibule ingress inlet portico archway portal threshold path approach gateway staircase doorway admission accession outset trespass enlistment admittance start initiation progress arrival adit immigration penetration import inception invasion beginning incoming enrollment debut appearance baptism commencement entrã©e ingression importation ingoing bewitch fascinate enthrall mesmerize enrapture enchant rejoice ravish please delight charm gladden spellbind attract transport anesthetize put in a trance
Entrance antonyms
egress conclusion exit departure leave refusal completion ending termination disappearance repudiation retreat finish stop leaving disgust tire displease disenchant turn off bore repel repulse depress
Usage of Entrance in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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