Envious meaning in hindi - Envious का मतलब हिंदी में

Envious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Envious
As adjective : अकलखुरा Ex:  Ram is not as envious as Mohan .
She was envious of her friends popularity.
अभ्यसुय Ex:  An envious spirit असूयक Ex:  Defeat opponents, his envious rivals आँखफोड़टिड्डा Ex:  Despite envious ईर्ष्या करनेवाला Ex:  envious critic and nasty, alluding to a former critic Homer ईर्ष्यालु Ex:  His merit, his fame has caused him many envious उ:   यज्ञ के लिये घोड़ा आवश्यक था जो ईर्ष्यालु इंद्र ने चुरा लिया था। ईष्यालु या द्वेषी Ex:  The envious are unfair ईष्र्यालु Ex:  The envious pack of hounds against him गोड़सिहा Ex:  We must not look with an envious eye the good of others डाह करने वाला Ex:  It is envious of my good fortune डाही निर्दट, निर्दड संस्पर्द्धी, संस्पर्वी समीहन सेर्ष्य स्पर्द्धी, स्पर्धी हिरसी
Other : झलहाया Ex:  , the envious will die but envy never मात्सर
Examples Words that rhyme with envious
Envious synonyms
distrustful watchful suspicious greedy aspiring covetous craving desiring desirous grasping green-eyed hankering invidious jaundiced malicious spiteful wishful yearning fain umbrageous appetent begrudging coveting green with envy longing for
Envious antonyms
confident content kind pleased comfortable unenvious
Usage of Envious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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