Environment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Environment
As noun : कुअवसर Ex:  Many people are concerned about the pollution of environment .
Plastics are an environmental hazard.
परिवेश Ex:  An unusual environment is present in north County Clare उ:   नई कविता का परिवेश अपने यहाँ का जीवन है। पर्यावरण Ex:  In this Lisp environment उ:   लेकिन पर्यावरण ह्रास जारी है। प्रयावरण Ex:  A wider definition often includes the design of the total built environment वातावरण Ex:  But the environment continues to deteriorate. उ:   वहाँ के वातावरण में लगभग कोई प्रेसियोडीमियम है। वाय्यास्पद Ex:  Manmade threats to the Earth's natural environment include pollution विधुमंडल Ex:  In the post-Cold War environment सृदाकु Ex:  Its color depends on the temperature and color of the environment
Other : परिमंडल Ex:  Yeasts are ubiquitous in the environment उ:   सूर्य के परिमंडल में इसकी प्रचुरता है। परिस्थति Ex:  Their nutrient-rich effluents are typically discharged into the environment
Environment ki paribhasha : jisaka maan paramaanu ke baraabar ho prathvi ke chaaron or rahanevaali vaayu
Environment synonyms
status climate habitat setting situation entourage domain neighborhood locale terrain scene milieu zoo territory conditions aura scenery medium ambiance background circumstances element jungle context turf backdrop neck of the woods encompassment purlieus stomping ground ecosystem environs biosphere gaia ecosphere
Usage of Environment in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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