Excel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Excel
As noun : बढकर करना Ex:  BON also told People that excel in something, in a profession
As verb :
उत्तम होना Ex:  But she quickly proved that her game could excel on all surfaces. उत्तमतर होना Ex:  Mixed-breed dogs can excel at dog sports श्रेष्ठतरअना
Other : उत्कृष्ठ Ex:  Frank always hoped he would excel in math . उ:   अपने समय की यह उत्कृष्ठ रचना यूरोपीय कैथोड्रल से समान है। बढ जाना Ex:  I don't know if I would excel at any one of them. बढ़ जाना Ex:  To excel in running, tennis श्रेष्ठ होना Ex:  To excel in something
Excel synonyms
shine transcend outdo come through exceed cap beat top wax eclipse better outshine outstrip surmount best predominate outrival be good be master of be proficient be skillful be talented go beyond go to town improve upon make it show talent take precedence
Excel antonyms
surrender fail lose fall behind be inferior
Usage of Excel in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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