Expiration meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Expiration
As noun : अवसान Ex:  In the early 19th century after the expiration of Watt's patent उ:   ओवेन द्वारा बसाई गई बस्तियों का लगातार अवसान हो रहा था।
उच्‍छ्वसन Ex:  If these cookies were not given an expiration date उर्दक Ex:  If no expiration date is provided कालधर्म Ex:  For this reason, cookies that have an expiration date are called persistent. खातिमा Ex:  The expiration date is specified in the "Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT" format. तीरित Ex:  In the wake of the expiration in 1975 of The Beatles' contract with EMI-Capitol तै Ex:  The decision about expiration is made independently for each downloaded file नि-श्‍वसन Ex:  Anatomy Who serves in expiration निःश्वसन Ex:  At the expiration of his parliamentary mandate निश्वासन Ex:  Life can be sustained without the inspiration and expiration उ:   निश्वासन से हृदय के सिकुड़ने की दर बढ़ती जाती है। निश्वासन् Ex:  RELEASING means Put also released after expiration of sentence पर्यवशेष Ex:  The herd expiration पर्यवशेष Ex:  The herd expiration प्रत्यस्तमय प्रपतन प्राण त्‍यागना प्राणत्याग मौत उ:   जिससे उसकी मौत हो गई थी। विनिवृत्ति विश्रमण व्यपाय व्युदास व्य़ुपरम संपाद संपुर्णता समापत्ति समाप्ति उ:   इसे समाप्ति की ओर लेजाने वाले तीन कारक थे। साँस छोड़ना
Other : उच्छ्वसन Ex:  For this reason, cookies with an expiration date are called persistent. निःश्वास Ex:  In terms of Jurisprudence, Interrupt possession, interrupting prescription, stop the expiration, Prevent a possession, prescription, an expiration continues not उ:   इनके नाम निःश्वास तंत्र में नहीं हैं, ब्रह्मयामल में हैं। मरण उ:   देह के साथ मरण में उसका अंत हो जाता है।
Expiration ki paribhasha : vah devata ja manushyon ya praaniyon ke praan nikaalata hai vah sthaan jahaaan se kisi vastu ka ant ho phalit jyotish ke anusaar janmakundli ka aathavaaan sthaan kisi kaary ya baat aadi ka ant hona
Expiration synonyms
termination decease death end dying departure going cessation close passing terminus closing conclusion expiry elapsing
Expiration antonyms
living commencement inception birth beginning opening start
Usage of Expiration in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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