Expire meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Expire
As verb : अवसान होना Ex:  The lease of the navy base by Russia in Sevastopol is set to expire in 2017
उरानापु Ex:  If the 15 minutes of a quarter expire while the ball is live देहावसान होना Ex:  Action expire or result of this action निमडना Ex:  It has the nose , smell, taste expire on निषूटना Ex:  It has the soul on the lips, is about to expire प्रण त्यागना Ex:  Optical Optical instrument is also said to expire in submarines or in the trenches, to see what happens on the surface of the sea or land प्राण त्यागना Ex:  swooning Carp, Carp removed from the water, which seems ready to expire प्राणत्यागना Ex:  The power of this empire was about to expire बिलछाना Ex:  The term of the lease will expire in two days बिसवना Ex:  The wave comes expire at the foot of this cliff मर जाना Ex:  When the time comes, will expire विसयना Ex:  , Making the mind, give up the ghost, his last breath, die, expire समाप्त होना Ex:  , Skip this life in another, passing from this life better and, absolutely, Skip, die, expire स्वर्गवास होना Ex:  The truce will expire
Other : खत्म Ex:  It was originally scheduled to expire in 2008 or 2009 उ:   वह उन्हें खत्म करने का हर सम्भव प्रयास करेगा। बीत जाना Ex:  This mortgage registration may expire
Expire ki paribhasha : praaniyon ya vanaspitiyon ke sharir men aisa vikaar hona jisase unaki sab shaaririk kriyaaen bnd ha jaayan
Expire synonyms
quit finish depart conclude die lapse terminate cease pass close run out pass away decease elapse perish stop go croak bite the dust kick the bucket pass over strike out buy it cash in chips pass on up and die exhale emit expel
Expire antonyms
commence create inhale come stay continue begin initiate introduce start be born live open get bear give birth breathe in
Usage of Expire in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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