Expressly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Expressly
As adverb : अभिव्यक्त रुप में Ex:  she needs the money expressly for her patients
अभिव्यक्ततया Ex:  As encores were expressly forbidden by the government at the time जान बूझ कर Ex:  Though it is not expressly prescribed in these terms स्पष्ट रूप से Ex:  Prevention of self-harm by other persons was considered expressly forbidden स्पष्टतया Ex:  Eagle becomes feminine when it expressly refers to the Female
Other : स्पष्ट Ex:  clause expressly उ:   डियूई की शिक्षा में हम इसे स्पष्ट देखते हैं।
Expressly synonyms
precisely specially specifically especially exactly intentionally on purpose particularly in specie plainly absolutely clearly decidedly directly distinctly outright positively categorically unequivocally pointedly unmistakably explicitly in no uncertain terms manifestly
Expressly antonyms
broadly ambiguously
Usage of Expressly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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