Ace example sentences

They face losses, as their toys are selling much less.Hence, the substitution takes place mainly at these positions.When such events take place, people suddenly lose all their possessions and have to face poverty.We noted in Chapter One that there are more than one hundred countries in the world in which elections take place to choose people's representatives.These strikes took place frequently in the textile industry during 1896-1897, and in the metal industry during 190 In the countryside, peasants cultivated most of the land.It will help you understand the processes that take place at the wastewater treatment plant.Rocks (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) of the earth's surface are exposed to denudational agents, and are broken up into various sizes of fragments.In most places in colonial Africa, the police were given instructions to keep a watch on the movements of pastoralists, and prevent them from entering white areas.Would her stammering tongue again disgrace her? For the sake of this kind woman, however, she decided to make an effort.Thus, for Freud, an adult who considers the world a bitter place probably had difficulty during the oral stage of development.As per the new policy of the government, the alue Added Tax is being levied in place of the sales tax to remove the cascading effect of the sales tax.If the spectator approached too near, he lost the outline of the enormous face and could see only a heap of gigantic rocks, piled one upon another.This place was only 32 km away from Kalimati station on the Bengal-Nagpur railway line.The process of cooling and solidification can happen in the earth's crust or on the surface of the earth.The following Sunday, at daybreak, he began to write a letter which he himself would carry to town and place in the mail.

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