Act example sentences

Still, if for some purpose, we have to choose the criterion for the all-round progress of children in the class, how shall we do it? Usually we take one or more important characteristics of persons and compare them based on these characteristics.They are, therefore, not attractive to the lower income group of people.One of the reasons for the adoption of 'Historical Cost' as the basis of recording accounting transaction is that adherence to the principle of objectivity is made possible by it.Have you ever noticed someone washing their hands everytime they touch something, or washing even things like coins, or stepping only within the patterns on the floor or road while walking? People affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder are unable to control their preoccupation with specific ideas or are unable to prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a particular act or series of acts that affect their ability to carry out normal activities.Increasing population, rising demands for food and cash crops, increasing urbanisation and rising standards of living are the major factors leading to shortages in supply of fresh water either due to drying up of water sources or water pollution.Sternberg s notion of contextual or practical intelligence implies that intelligence is a product of culture.Its data type should be Text with suggested field size set to 15 characters.Thus, if the plans lay down 2 per cent increase in labour cost as an acceptable range of deviation in a manufacturing organisation, only increase in labour cost beyond 2 per cent should be brought to the notice of the management.By inducing dormancy, ABA helps seeds to withstand desiccation and other factors unfavourable for growth.Crèches were established in factories for the children of women.These political acts are not wrong as long as they treat every religion equally.It provides security for a debt that a firm might otherwise be unable to obtain; It does not create any charge on the assets of the firm; The client can concentrate on other functional areas of business as the responsibility of credit control is shouldered by the factor.Isn't it possible that everyone is following a wrong path? Yes, it actually is a wrong path.Poor people are in a situation in which they are ill-treated at almost every place, in farms, factories, government offices, hospitals, railway stations etc.It encompasses such activities as thought processes, personal decision making, and focusing on self.

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