Active example sentences

Thus, these shares may not be very attractive to the investors.The enterprises must actively work for this purpose.The tubular epithelial cells in different segments of nephron perform this either by active or passive mechanisms.While Packer s circus as it was then described folded up after two years, the innovations he introduced during this time to make cricket more attractive to television audiences endured and changed the nature of the game.Magazines were attractive since they were illustrated and cheap.Silicon forms compounds with hydrogen which have chains of upto seven or eight atoms, but these compounds are very reactive.The symbols of the new Britain – the British flag (Union Jack), the national anthem (God Save Our Noble King), the English language – were actively promoted and the older nations survived only as subordinate partners in this union.During G1 phase the cell is metabolically active and continuously grows but does not replicate its DNA., in the filtrate are reabsorbed actively whereas the nitrogenous wastes are absorbed by passive transport.Skoog and Miller, later identified and crystallised the cytokinesis promoting active substance that they termed kinetin.) became an important part of European cooking, and cotton cloth was very attractive.Kwame Nkrumah (pronounced Enkruma), son of a goldsmith and himself a teacher, was active in the independence struggle of his country.The compounds formed by highly reactive non-metals with highly reactive metals are generally ionic because of large differences in their electronegativities.If we drop some radioactive sugar into saturated solution of non-radioactive sugar, then after some time radioactivity is observed both in the solution and in the solid sugar.Important extractive industries include farming, mining, lumbering, hunting and fishing operations.

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